44 Mar 15 | Consul & dictator C.(4) Julius CAESAR ASSASSINATED, age 56. Stabbed 23 times by a conspiracy of 60 senators, led by M.(7) Junius Brutus, C.(5) Cassius Longinus, Decimus(7) Brutus Albinus, Pontius Aquila, C. & P. Servilius Casca, C. Trebonius, and Cassius Parmensis at the base of Pompey's statue. Suetonius says that others have said Caesar's last words were the Greek phrase "Kai su, teknon?" "And you, child?". "Et tu, Brute?" is a concoction of Richard Edes's 1582 Latin play "Caesar Interfectus", copied by Shakespeare. | 44 B76 17-950, CAH 10-1, DGRBM 1-554, GHH, IDB 1-479, MCAW 256, OCD 89, 210, 212, bk, ttjc, vrm, wikDJB, wikMA, wikTAR |
44 Mar 15 |
Surviving consul MARK ANTONY hears the commotion in the senate house, runs home, fortifies himself in his house. | 44 wikJC |
44 Mar 15 | M.(7) BRUTUS steps forward as if to say something to his fellow senators. They, however, flee the building. Brutus and his companions then marched to the Capitol while crying out, "People of Rome, we are once again free!" Assassins call themselves "Liberators". Several hours later 3 slaves carry Caesar's body home to Calpurnia. The conspirators apparently have no long-range plan and do not immediately kill Mark Antony (apparently by decision of M. Brutus). | 44 GHH, bk, vrm, wikJC, wikTAR |
44 Mar 15 | Magister equitum M.(10) Aemilius LEPIDUS sees the assassination, runs with other friends of Caesar, stays home a few hours, gathers troops, withdraws across the Tiber to Campus Martius. | 44 DGRBM 2-767, wikLpd |
44 Mar 15 | M. Tullius CICERO rejoices shamelessly at the news. | 44 OCD 235 |
44 Mar 16 |
M.(7) Brutus makes a speech in defense of conspirators, who send envoys to negotiate with Antony and Lepidus. | 44 atl1 |
44 Mar 16 | M.(10) Aemilius LEPIDUS marches over 6,000 troops into Rome to restore order and guard the Caesarian faction. He tries to incite the people against the assassins. ANTONY disuades him from violence. Caesareans and senatorials negotiate, and agree not to fight each other. Lepidus promises Antony armed support. | 44 CAH 10-4, DGRBM 2-767, wikMA |
44 Mar 17 | Consul ANTONY convenes senators in temple of Tellus near his home, points out that cancellation of Caesar's will would put many of them out of work. Cicero urges amnesty for conspirators. DECISION: No investigation. Caesar's will to be carried out. Antony agrees to accept his rival P.(2) Cornelius Dolabella as his consular colleague to replace Caesar. | 44 B76 4-608, CAH 10-2, wikMA |
44 Mar 17 | GENERAL AMNESTY declared for tyrannicides. | 44 atl1, wikAg |
44 Mar 17 |
Praetor L.(3) Cornelius CINNA, who expressed approval of the assassination, is attacked enroute to senate, rescued by M.(10) Lepidus. | 44 OCD 241 |
44 Mar 18 | Senate authorizes publication of full details of Caesar's will. | 44 atl1 |
44 Mar 19 | CAESAR's WILL is read. It reveals to Antony's surprise that his grand nephew OCTAVIAN (now in Illyricum) is his heir. P.(2) Cornelius Dolabella is to succeed as consul. Q. Pedius gets ⅛ of his estate. ANTONY, with consent of Calpurnia, manages the disposal of Caesar's will, funds, and estate. |
44 CAH 10-3, wikMA |
44 Mar 20 | CAESAR's funeral. Reading of Caesar's will by Antony causes popular sympathy to turn to riot. The crowd throws dry branches, furniture, and even clothing on to Caesar's funeral pyre, causing the flames to spin out of control, seriously damaging the Forum. The mob attacks the houses of M.(7) Brutus and C.(5) Cassius, and are repelled only with difficulty. | 44 CAH 10-3, atl1, ttjc, wikMA |
44 Mar 20? | C. HELVIUS CINNA, a sycophant for Caesar, is mistaken for republican L.(3) Cornelius Cinna, and torn apart by a mob. | 44 CAH 9-470, OCD 241, wikCnsc |
44 Mar 21? | Tribune C. CASCA publishes a statement saying he has nothing to do with the 2 conspirators also named Casca. | 44 OCD 210, atl1 |
44 Mar | CICERO is now the de facto leader of the senate and opponent of Antony and his Caesarian faction. | 44 wikCc |
44 Mar | Under pretext of not being able to guarantee their safety, Antony relieves M.(7) Brutus and C.(5) Cassius of their judicial duties in Rome. | 44 wikMA |
44 Mar | CLEOPATRA-VII and son Caesarion, in Italy from 46, quietly sail to Egypt. | 44 B76 4-712, CAH 9-471, DGRBM 1-801, wikMA |
44 Mar | P.(2) Cornelius DOLABELLA, an associate of the assassins, becomes consul with Antony. | 44 OCD 358 |
44 Mar | ANTONY implements, and allegedly falsifies, written proposals left by Caesar. | 44 atl1 |
44 Mar | ANTONY issues Lex Antonia , abolishes dictatorship, rendering his own office of magister equitum void. He also issues laws he claims to have found in Caesar's papers to ensure his popularity with Caesar's veterans, by providing land grants to them. | 44 CAH 10-4, EDRL 547, GHH, wikMA |
44 Mar | ANTONY seizes all of Caesar's money from temple of Ops (goddess, associated with riches). | 44 atl1 |
44 Mar? | M.(3) Junius SILANUS supports bro-in-law M.(10) Aemilius Lepidus. | 44 OCD 988 |
44 Mar | M.(10) Aemilius LEPIDUS is elected pontifex maximus to replace Caesar in an irregular election. Lepidus holds this office until death in 12. Antony's dau Antonia Prima is engaged to Lepidus's son, M.(11) Aemilius Lepidus. M.(10) Lepidus is sent by Antony thru Gaul to Spain to negotiate with Sextus Pompeius, still at large with 6 legions. Bro-in-law M.(3) Junius Silanus accompanies. | 44 CAH 10-4, 825, DGRBM 1-209, 3-820, atl1, wikMA 43 wik2Tr, wikLpd |
44 | L. Tillius CIMBER, a tyrannicide, leaves for Bithynia and Pontus, the provinces appointed him by Caesar. | 44 DGRBM 1-749, wikTC |
44 Apr | ANTONY is already using his control of Caesar's papers to propose various measures, such as full citizenship for all Sicily (and numerous individuals) and privileges for foreign dynasts, who got them by huge bribes. | 44 CAH 9-473 |
44 Apr | M.(7) Junius BRUTUS, his wife Porcia, and C.(5) CASSIUS Longinus leave Rome. Hoping for a change of wind, they remain 4 months in Latium and Campania. | 44 CAH 10-304, 470, DGRBM 2-800, atl1 |
44 Apr | M. FAVONIUS follows M.(7) Brutus and C.(5) Cassius out of Rome. | 44 DGRBM 2-139 |
44 Apr | CAESAR WORSHIP begins in Rome. Consul Dolabella violently suppresses worshippers to the delight of the republicans. Antony opposes deification of Caesar and loses support of low class Caesareans. | 44 OCD 358, wikAg |
44 Apr | C. Vibius PANSA, governor of Cisalpine Gaul from 45, returns to Rome. Decimus(7) BRUTUS succeeds until 43. M. Seius is legate under Brutus. Pansa is based at Campania, waiting for the situation at Rome to settle down after the assassination. | 44 B76 II-327, DGRBM 3-768, OCD 184, atl1, wikGVP, wikRGG |
44 Apr | Senate assigns provinces of Macedonia to Antony and Syria to Dolabella. | 44 CAH 10-4, atl1 |
44 Apr | ANTONY leaves Rome to tour veteran settlements in Campania and Samnium, and to drum up support. | 44 CAH 10-474 |
44 | AMATIUS (Herophilus), an impostor pretending to be grandson of C. Marius, is executed by Antony, after setting up an altar to Caesar. | 44 atl1 |
44 Ap/ Ma | OCTAVIAN and M. Vipsanius Agrippa in Illyria from 45, sail from Apollonia to Brundisium, land quietly. Octavian learns of Caesar's will, and only now decides to become heir to Caesar's position as well as his estate. He sends agents to get 700 million sesterces stored at Brundisium that Caesar had saved for his intended Parthian war. | 44 B76 1-367, CAH 10-8, MCAW 256, atl1, bk, wikAg, wikMA |
44 May 6 | OCTAVIAN arrives in Rome, finds consul Mark Antony in an uneasy truce with the assassins. | 44 atl1, wikAg |
44 May | OCTAVIAN asks Antony for the moneys Caesar had left, so that he could pay the legacies to the plebs (300 sesterces apiece). Antony refuses, perhaps because investigation was needed into what was Caesar's and what the state's. Octavian sells his own property to fulfil his obligation, with aid of 2 cousins who had been named heirs to smaller parts of the estate. | 44 CAH 9-471 |
c.44 | L.(2) Cornelius BALBUS, neph of L.(1) is quaestor of Asinius Pollio. | 44 DGRBM 2-457 |
c.44 | L.(2) GELLIUS PUBLICOLA (son of L.(1)) sides with republicans. | 44 DGRBM 3-601 |
44 | At Neapolis, L.(1) Cornelius Balbus meets Octavian and becomes his partisan. | 44 DGRBM 1-456 |
44 | ANTONY, bribed by Deiotarus tetrarch of west Galatia, says Caesar had left instructions that Deiotarus' former possessions are restored. | 44 B76 III-438 |
c.44 | DEIOTARUS, tetrarch of west Galatia 85-40, in Rome from 45, returns to Galatia with his former possessions restored by Antony. | 44 B76 III-438 |
44 | Cults of ISIS and SERAPIS, banned in Rome from 58, permitted because of religious fervor of plebs. A temple of Isis is ordered. Built 43. | 44 MCAW 257 |
44 | M.(2) PISO is praetor. He praises Cicero for opposing Antony. | 44 DGRBM 3-375 |
44 | M' TURRANIUS is praetor. He refuses a province which was offered him by Antony. | 44 DGRBM 3-1193 |
44 | C. Calvisius SABINUS is praetor. | 44 DGRBM 3-689, wikAf |
44 | Caesar's De Bella Gallico 51, 8th and last book written by Aulus Hirtius. | 44 MCAW 259 |
44 | Gn.(6) Domitius AHENOBARBUS becomes fleet commander until 40, in Adriatic until 42. Republican until 40. | 44 B76 I-151, OCD 361 |
44 May | Consul ANTONY, in Campania, learns that Octavian is publicly proclaiming a right to Caesar's name and money and vengeance on assassins. Returns. | 44 CAH 10-8 |
44 | Consul ANTONY, proconsul of Macedonia, but in Rome, summons his army in Macedonia to sail to Brundisium. | 44 atl1 |
44 May | OCTAVIAN visits ANTONY, places his claims before Antony and asks his help. Antony rebuffs him with patronizing contempt. | 44 CAH 10-8, atl1 |
44 | OCTAVIAN expropriates annual tribute that had been sent from Rome's Near Eastern province to Italy. | 44 wikAg |
44 by June | OCTAVIAN had gathered an army of 3,000 loyal veterans, paying each 500 denarii. | 44 wikAg |
44 Jun 2 | ANTONY puts thru the assembly - by irregular legislation because it was not a dies comitialis, due notice had not been given, and violence is used - a bill securing his future by exchanging his province of Macedonia (which his bro Caius would take over after his praetorship) for Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaul, which he is to hold for 5 years. | 44 CAH 9-474 |
44 Jun 3 | Senate grants ANTONY a 5 year imperium in both Gauls in exchange for Macedonia, but he gets to keep his Macedonian legions. Grants Syria to Dolabella for 5 years. | 44 CAH 9-474, 10-9, bk, wikRGG |
44 Jun 5 | Senate passes a decree by which praetors M.(7) Brutus and C.(5) Cassius are commissioned to purchase wheat in Sicily and Asia. | 44 DGRBM 2-800, OCD 183, 212, wikMA |
44 Jun 8 | SERVILIA, mom of M.(7) Brutus, holds a council of the Brutii at Antium. | 44 CAH 9-475 |
44 Jun | Praetors M.(7) Brutus receives Crete as praetorian province; C.(5) Cassius receives Cyrenaica, but these are poor compensation for the provinces of Syria which Caesar had promised to Cassius and Macedonia, which Caesar had promised to M. Brutus. | 44 DGRBM 2-800, OCD 183, 212, atl1 |
44 | Lex Antonia de Permutatione Provinciae by consul M.(5) Antonius, after assassination of Caesar, passed by the comitia, transfers Antony's arranged command in Macedonia to Cisalpine Gaul and Transalpine Gaul (previously assigned to Decimus(7) Brutus). | 44 atl1, unrv |
44 | Octavian travels across Italy to Terracina in Latium. | 44 atl1 |
44 | Caesarean Q. Fufius CALENUS joins Antony. | 44 DGRBM 1-562 |
44 Jun 7 | M. Tullius CICERO meets Brutus and Cassius after they are offered an appointment as grain commissioners. | 44 atl1 |
44 by Jun | M. Tullius CICERO publicly says Antony should have been killed too. | 44 OCD 235 |
44 mid | Octavian wins some Caesarians, who see him as the lesser evil, and hope to manipulate him, or tolerate him while trying to get rid of Antony. Octavian begins to ally with optimates. | 44 wikAg |
44 Jul 13 | Ludi Apollinares held in Rome, financed extravagantly by praetor M.(7) Junius BRUTUS, now outside of Rome hoping to gain popular favor. Doesn't work. | 44 DGRBM 1-513, 2-801 |
44 Jul 13 |
C. Antonius presides over Ludi Apollinares, on behalf of M.(7) Brutus. | 44 atl1 |
44 Jul | Ludi Victoriae Caesaris (commemorating the victory of Pharsalus) celebrated by Octavian on money borrowed from Matius and other friends of Caesar. | 44 CAH 9-475 |
44 Jul | Red COMET appears during Ludi Victoriae Caesaris games held in Caesar's honor, interpreted as Caesar's soul going up to heaven. It appears red because of volcanic dust from Mt. Etna in the air. It is also reported in China. | 44 CAH 9-475, IDB 1-479, MCAW 257, TTS, atl1 |
44 Jl/Ag | Octavian uses the comet incident to justify putting a statue of Caesar with a star above his head in the temple of Venus Genetrix. | 44 CAH 9-475 |
44 | ANTONY passes agrarian law. His younger bro, tribune L. ANTONIUS is made chairman of a 7 man agrarian commission, which includes Caesennius Lento. | 44 DGRBM 2-728, OCD 78, atl1 |
44 | C.(1) Antistius VETUS joins the "Liberators". | 44 OCD 75 |
44 | Q. LABIENUS joins the "Liberators". | 44 wikQLb |
44 | Praetor VEHILIUS refuses to receive a province from Antony, and says that he would obey the senate alone. | 44 DGRBM 3-1236 |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO declines offer of an appointment to serve on staff of Dolabella in Syria. | 44 atl1 |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO writes treatise Laelius de Amicitia Laelius on friendship. | 44 wikCc |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO writes treatise Cato Maior de Senectute Cato the Elder on old age. | 44 wikCc |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO writes treatise De Gloria on glory. | 44 wikCc |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO writes treatise De Officiis on duties. | 44 wikCc |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO completes Disputationes Tusculanae Ch 1-5 "Are pain and death evil?" "Do wise men suffer distress or frustration?" "Is virtue sufficient for blessedness?" | 44 B76 4-610, Dur 3-110 |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO completes De Natura Deorum "On the nature of the gods" "The gods have always been, and were never born." "No man was ever great without a touch of divine inspiration." | 48-4 MCAW 257 44 B76 4-608, 610, Dur 3-110, MNDQ 468, 594 |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO completes De Divinatione Ch 1 & 2. Criticizes astrology. MONOTHEISM: "There is nothing which god [God] cannot accomplish." DETERMINISM: "Nothing has ever happened that has not been predestined." |
78 MNDQ 283, 462 48-4 MCAW 257 44 B76 4-610 43 ISBE 1-342, wikCc |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO completes De Senectute AFTERLIFE: "If I err in my belief that the souls of men are immortal, I err gladly, and I do not wish to lose so delightful an error." |
44 B76 4-610 |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO completes treatise De Fato on fate. | 44 B76 4-610, wikCc |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO completes treatise De Amicitia on friendship. | 44 B76 4-610 , wikCc |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO completes Topica | 44 B76 4-610 |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO writes Ad Atticum 16 books of letters from 68 to 44. | no date: OCD 238 |
44 | M. Tullius CICERO writes Ad Familiares 16 books of letters published by Tiro. | no date: OCD 238 |
44 | M.(7) Brutus and C. Cassius issue a manifesto, stating that they wish to be excused from further public duties. | 44 atl1 |
44 | P.(1) SERVILIUS VATIA Isauricus dies age 90. Son P(2) is often confused with him. | 44 DGRBM 3-1233, atl1 |
44 | ANTONIA HYBRIDA Major, dau of C.(1) Antonius Hybrida, wife of Mark Antony from ?, divorced | 44 wikGAH |
44 | Gn. SEIUS condemned to death by Antony. | 44 atl1 |
44 Aug 1 | L.(7) Calpurnius PISO Caesoninus derides conduct of Antony in senate. | 44 CAH 10-10, atl1 |
44 mid | M. Tullius CICERO goes from Sicily to Velia to Vibo by sea, and then to Rhegium. | 44 DGRBM 1-717, DGRG 1-1071, 2-171 |
44 Aug 2 | M. Tullius CICERO, at Leucopetra west of Rhegium, plans to go to Greece, but learns of an unexpected attack on Antony in the Senate Aug 1 by Caesar's father-in-law L.(7) Calpurnius Piso, and a likely reconciliation between Antony and senate, decides to return to Rome. | 44 CAH 9-476, DGRBM 1-717, DGRG 2-171 |
44 Aug 17 | M. Tullius CICERO, returning north from Leucoptera, at Velia Lucania, meets M.(7) BRUTUS, who says he is leaving Italy to prevent civil war. | 44 CAH 10-10 |
44 Aug | C.(5) CASSIUS Longinus quarrels with Antony, sails for Asia hoping to take possession of Syria before Dolabella could arrive there. | 44 B76 II-617, DGRBM 2-801, OCD 212, atl1, wikGCL |
44 | Tyrranicide C. TREBONIUS goes to Asia province as proconsul until ?. He relieves P.(2) Servilius VATIA ISAURICUS. | 44 B76 X-105, wikLRGA, wikTrb |
44 | Ti.(4) Claudius NERO proposes that Caesar's assassins be rewarded. | 44 DGRBM 2-1162, OCD 730, wikTCN |
44 | L.(4) CASSIUS Longinus, bro of C.(5), sides with Octavian. | 44 OCD 212 |
44 | ANTONIA, age 8, dau of Antony, is promised to a son of Lepidus. But see 34. | 44 OCD 75 |
44 | DIODORUS SICULUS, Greek historian of Sicily, flourishes in many locations. Writes Bibliotheca historica in 40 books. 1-5 and 11-20 (ending 302BC) survive completely. He was ignorant of many important cities, and made many errors. | 99-1 wikDS 60-30 lvDS 44 GHH |
44 | Sextus CLOELIUS, exiled from ?, is recalled by Antony. | 44 atl1 |
44 | L.(5) Julius CAESAR, cousin of the dictator, openly joins the senatorial faction. | 44 wikL5JC |
44 | P.(2) Cornelius DOLABELLA pulls down an altar and column, which had been erected in honor of Caesar. | 44 atl1 |
44 | Consuls are authorized to make a decision about land at Buthrotum on coast of Epirus. | 44 atl1 |
44 | T. Pomponius ATTICUS refuses to donate to a fund supporting M. Brutus and C. Cassius. | 44 atl1 |
44 | Antony visits Campania, and allocates land to veterans. | 44 atl1 |
44 | Octavian raises money and pays 300 sesterces to every Roman citizen, according to terms of Caesar's will. | 44 atl1 |
44 | Many lawsuits are brought before consuls for recovery of property from Octavian, as heir of Caesar. | 44 atl1 |
44 | Cicero offends Antony by speaking in defense of a person named Sicca. | 44 atl1 |
44 Ag/Sp | M.(7) BRUTUS, after quarrel with Antony, leaves wife Porcia at Velia Lucania, leaves Italy, without revealing destination, sails for Athens, intent on taking Macedonia. | 44 DGRBM 1-513, 2-801, 3-498, OCD 183, 361, atl1 |
c.44 Ag/Sp | Republican L.(2) GELLIUS PUBLICOLA (son of L.(1)), goes with M.(7) Brutus to Athens. | 44 DGRBM 3-601 |
44 Ag/Sp | Republican Gn.(6) Domitius AHENOBARBUS sails to Macedonia to join M.(7) Brutus. | 44 DGRBM 1-85, OCD 183, 361, wikGnDA |
44 Sep 1 | Antony summons a senate meeting for honoring Caesar among other things. Cicero does not to attend. | 44 atl1 |
44 Sep 2 | M. Tullius CICERO, encouraged by Octavian, attends senate while Antony is absent, delivers 1st of 14 speeches called Philippics (after Demosthenes' denunciations of Philip 351-41) until April 43. Speeches oppose Antony, represents his actions as unconstitutional, unpopular with the plebs, and contrary to Caesar's intentions. | 44 B76 4-608, 610, CAH 9-477, 10-10, CDCC 199, MCAW 259, OCD 235, atl1, bk, wikAg, wikCc, wikMA |
44 Sep 19 |
Consul ANTONY successfully counters Cicero's 1st Philippic, claiming that Cicero had urged the Pompeians on and instigated the murder of Caesar. | 44 CAH 9-477, 10-11, atl1 |
44 Sep? | 4 of Anyony's Macedonian legions arrive at Brundisium. They are met with pamphlets from Octavian criticising Antony, and promising more money than Antony had promised. | 44 CAH 9-478 |
44 Sep? | Octavian visits Cicero and wins some support from him. | 44 atl1 |
44 Oct 9 | Consul ANTONY leaves Rome to join legions at Brundisium. | 44 atl1 |
44 Oct | Consul ANTONY imprisons some of his own bodyguard on charge of disloyalty, and has them executed, implying conspiracy by Octavian. Antony claims to fear assassination. | 44 CAH 10-11 |
44 Oct | ANTONY prevents Octavian from running for tribune. | 44 atl1, |
44 Oct | ANTONY & OCTAVIAN compete for loyalty of legions with speeches and promises. Octavian outpromises Antony. Troops blame Antony that assassins are not punished. | 44 CAH 10-11 |
44 Oct? | Soldiers in Rome force a feigned reconciliation between Antony and Octavian. | 44 atl1 |
44 Nov | OCTAVIAN recruits 3,000 loyal veterans without authorization and returns to Rome, openly opposing Antony, and urging Cicero to come to Rome. | 44 CAH 10-12 |
44 Nov | Octavian is accused of plotting to murder Antony. | 44 atl1 |
44 Nov | 2 of Antony's legions defect to Octavian for promise of more money while marching from Brundisium to Rome. | 44 CAH 9-478, atl1, wikAg, wikMA |
44 Nov | Consul ANTONY with a legion arrives at Rome intending to declare Octavian an outlaw, but hears that the 4th legion has gone to Octavian. | 44 CAH 10-12 |
44 Nov 24 |
Consul ANTONY summons a senate meeting, but then postpones it. | 44 atl1 |
44 Nov 28 | Consul ANTONY summons an illegal senate meeting at night in order to declare Octavian an enemy of Rome. He blocks all opposing tribunes (L.(4) Cassius + 2 others) from entering the Forum, and redistributes all provinces among his partisans. M.(7) Brutus gets Macedonia. L.(3) Cornelius Cinna refuses the province assigned to him by Antony. | 44 CAH 9-478, 10-12, 19, DGRBM 1-597, 2-802, OCD 241, atl1 |
44 Nov 28 |
M.(10) Aemilius LEPIDUS is voted a supplicatio by senate on proposition of Antony. | 44 DGRBM 2-767 |
44 Nov? | DECIDIUS SAXA sides with Antony, remains with him until ?. | 44 DGRBM 3-730 |
44 Nov 29? | Consul ANTONY, having been assigned Cisalpine Gaul, sends order to Decimus(7) Brutus to leave it. Antony appoints M. Iccius praetor of Sicily, then departs for Cisalpine Gaul to enforce the order. L. Trebellius accompanies. | 44 CAH 10-12, DGRBM 1-215, 2-559, GHH, atl1, wikAg, wikMA |
44 late | C. Vibius PANSA in Campania begins negotiating with Octavian and opposing Antony. | 44 wikGVP |
44 Dec 9 | Now that Antony is away, M. Tullius CICERO feels safe enough to return to Rome, arrives in Rome, consults with Pansa. | 44 CAH 9-479, 10-12, atl1 |
44 Dec | M. Tullius CICERO proposes that Octavian command the army sent against Antony. He repeats this proposal in January. | 44 DGRBM 1-425 |
44 Dec | Decimus(7) BRUTUS, proconsul? of Cisalpine Gaul, is not due to give up the province until January. He defies Antony's order, fortifies Mutina Etruria to withstand siege. | 44 CAH 10-12, atl1 |
44 Dec | Consul ANTONY besieges Decimus(7) Brutus in Mutina. L.(2) Calpurnius BESTIA accompanies Antony. | 44 B76 II-327, DGRBM 1-215, GHH, atl1, wikMA |
44 Dec | Consul P.(2) Cornelius DOLABELLA sets out for his province of Syria via Asia. | 44 atl1 |
44 Dec 20 |
Senate summoned by tribunes to discuss protection for the new consuls. | 44 CAH 9-479 |
44 Dec 20 |
M. Tullius CICERO delivers his 3rd Philippic to senate, persuades patres to back Decimus(7) Brutus by confirming all governors in their provinces, and to honor and reward Octavian and the 2 legions which had joined him. He fails to get Antony declared a hostis. | 44 CAH 9-479, 10-12 |
44 Dec 20 |
Senate orders M.(7) Brutus, Antony's governor of Macedonia from Nov 28, to surrender Macedonia. (Reverse Feb 43) | 44 CAH 10-19 |
44 Dec | Octavian offers to use his legions to fight on behalf of senate against Antony. | 44 atl1 |
44/3 | M. Tullius CICERO speech 9th Philippic NO AFTERLIFE: "The life of the dead consists in being present in the minds of the living". |
60 MNDQ 255 |
More is known of 43BCE than any other year in Roman history. | CAH 9-468 |
43 Jan 1 | CONSULS: Aulus HIRTIUS, whose suffects are C. Julius Caesar OCTAVIAN, C. Carrinas and C. VIBIUS PANSA, whose suffects are Q. Pedius, P. Ventidius Bassus |
43 B76 V-61, CAH 10-13, 882, DGRBM 2-496, 3-112, FHBC 84, OCD 520, 776, 1113, csm, wik2Tr, wikCon, wikGVP |
43 Jan 1 | Senate meets to discuss threat of war against Antony. Consul C. VIBIUS PANSA opens a debate which lasts several days. Pansa calls on Fufius Calenus, his father-in-law, to speak, and perhaps other consulars, before Cicero. | 43 CAH 9-480, atl1 |
43 Jan 1 | M. Tullius CICERO persuades senate to make Octavian a senator, and give him power to vote alongside the former consuls with authority to command an army as pro-praetor, but fails to get the senatus consultum ultimum passed and Antony declared a hostis. | 43 CAH 9-480, 10-14, OCD 520, atl1, wikAg, wikMA |
43 Jan | Senate resolves to pay the 4th and Martian legions the 20,000 sesterces promised them, with demobilization after the campaign, and land to be found in Italy. Any troops leaving Antony for the consul's army get the same terms. | 43 CAH 9-480 |
43 Jan 4 | Senate debates several days, decides to send 3 envoys to order Antony to stop attacking Decimus(7) Brutus, and submit to the senate. Envoys are L.(7) Calpurnius Piso, Philippus and Servius(2) Sulpicius Lemonia Rufus. | 43 CAH 9-480, 10-13, atl1 |
43 Jan | PANSA's debate ends with Octavian receiving praetorian imperium to oppose Antony, and the right to speak among consulars and to stand for consulship 10 years early (which still left him over 10 years to wait). | 43 CAH 9-480, atl1 |
43 Jan | OCTAVIAN is given command as pro-praetor together with the 2 consuls to command troops against Antony. | 43 CAH 10-14, OCD 520, wikAg, wikMA |
43 Jan | D.(7) Junius BRUTUS, having been appointed by Caesar, is confirmed governor of Cisalpine Gaul, and goes there. | 43 wikDJB |
43 Jan | CICERO tries to bind Lepidus by proposing a gilded equestrian statue of him in the Forum in gratitude for his coming to terms with Sextus Pompeius. | 43 CAH 9-482 |
43 Jan | D.(7) Junius BRUTUS, governor of Cisalpine Gaul, occupies Mutina, laying in provisions for a protracted siege. | 43 wikDJB |
43 Jan | Q. Fufius CALENUS defends Antony against Cicero. | 43 DGRBM 1-562 |
43 | M. Tullius CICERO delivers his 13th Philippic speech to the senate, dissects a letter of Antony to Hirtius and Octavian, which urges reconciliation of all Caesarians in the face of a Pompeian revival, and deplores use of veterans for purposes other than revenge on Caesar's assassins. | 43 CAH 9-482 |
43 Feb | 2 envoys return from embassy to Antony. Senate votes for emergency measures against Antony. | 43 CAH 9-480, atl1 |
43 Feb | News of murder of tyrannicide Trebonius by Dolabella in Smyrna reaches Rome. Everyone expresses outrage. | 43 CAH 9-481 |
43 Feb | L.(7) Calpurnius PISO is an ambassador to Antony at Mutina. | 43 DGRBM 3-373 |
43 | P. Ventidius BASSUS, supported by Caesar in 44, becomes praetor, sides with Antony. | 43 B76 X-390, DGRBM 3-1238 |
c.43 | Gn. Munatius PLANCUS becomes praetor. He is allowed by the senate to join his bro Lucius in Transalpine Gaul. He negotiates on his bro's behalf with Lepidus. | 43 DGRBM 3-384 |
c.43 | Equite L. Aelius LAMIA is praetor. | 43 DGRBM 2-714 |
43 Feb | ANTONY, besieging Decimus(7) Brutus in Mutina, refuses senatorial order to withdraw, sends L. Varius Cotlya back with counter proposal. Antony's garrisons also occupy Bononia, Parma, and Rhegium. | 44 CAH 10-14, DGRBM 1-869, DGRG 2-378 |
43 | Praetor P. Ventidius BASSUS gathers an army of veterans to support Antony. | 43 atl1 |
43 | L. PONTIUS AQUILLA, a tyrannicide, serves as legate of M.(7) Brutus in Cisalpine Gaul. He defeats Antonine officer T. Munatius Plancus and drives him out of Pollentia. | 43 DGRBM 1-253, atl1 |
43 Feb 23 |
Cicero is afraid to travel outside Rome on day of the Terminalia festival in honor of god Terminus, who presides over boundaries. | 44 atl1 |
43 Fb/Mr | M. Tullius CICERO persuades senate to legalize M.(7) Brutus' position in Macedonia, but fails to achieve the same for Cassius in Syria. | 43 CAH 10-15 |
43 Feb? | Lex Vibia de dictatura tollenda by consul C. Vibius Pansa, abolishes the office of dictator. | 43 EDRL 561, unrv |
43 Fb/Mr | Senate votes M.(7) BRUTUS command of all troops in Illyria, Macedonia, and Achaea. | 44 B76 II-327, OCD 183 |
43 Fb/Mr | Octavian and consul A. Hirtius set out to subdue Antony and his 5 legions at Mutina. | 43 B76 V-61, CAH 10-14, DGRBM 2-497, wikMA |
43 Fb/Mr | BONONIA, under an Antonine garrison from Feb., taken by Octavian and consul A. Hirtius. | 43 DGRBM 2-497, DGRG 1-419 |
43 | WAR TAX on peasants, removed from Rome since 201, reintroduced. | 43 atl1 |
43 | C. FANNIUS is sent by M.(10) Lepidus as legate to Sextus Pompeius. | 43 DGRBM 2-136 |
43 | M.(3) Junius SILANUS sent by bro-in-law M.(10) Aemilius Lepidus with a detachment of troops into Cisalpine Gaul, but with no instructions as to whom to help - consuls Hirtius and Pansa or Antony. | 43 DGRBM 3-820 |
43 | L. Marcius CENSORINUS is praetor. | 44 DGRBM 1-664 |
43? | Lex Rubria (or de Gallia Cisalpina) by Caesar thru tribune Rubria, incorporates Cisalpine Gaul into Italy, granting citizenship in the process. | 45-43? unrv 43 GHH 41 CAH 10-403 |
43 | Senate declares P.(2) Cornelius DOLABELLA, proconsul of Syria, now in Asia, a public enemy for killing C. Trebonius. Consuls Hirtius and Pansa claims right to depose him. | 44 OCD 358 |
43 Mar | 5 X-consuls are appointed by the Senate to form a 2nd delegation to Antony, seeking to arrange a truce between Antony and D.(7) Junius Brutus. They include L.(5) Julius Caesar. But when 2 of them withdraw from the delegation (M. Tullius Cicero and P. Servilius Vatia Isauricus), the embassy is disbanded. | 43 atl1, wikL5JC |
43 Mar | Consul C. Vibius PANSA with 4 legions marches by Via Cassia to join Hirtius at Bononia. | 43 B76 V-61, DGRBM 2-497, OCD 776, wikGVP |
43 Mar 20 | Letters from Lepidus in Narbonese Gaul (probably inspired by Antony) and Plancus in north Gaul arrive urging peace and preservation of citizen lives. | 43 CAH 9-482 |
43 Mr/Ap | M.(3) Junius SILANUS, with bro-in-law M.(10) Aemilius Lepidus from 44, goes over to Antony at Mutina. With Antony until 39. | 43 OCD 988 |
43 Mr/Ap | Servius(2) SULPICIUS LEMONIA RUFUS dies. He is sent by senate, with L. Marcius Philippus and L. Calpurnius Piso, on a mission to Antony, who is besieging D.(7) Brutus, in Mutina. Lemonia dies of bad health. Son Servius(3) SULPICIUS RUFUS survives. | 43 B76 IX-664, CAH 9-480, 10-964, DGRBM 3-964, OCD 1023, atl1 |
43 Apr 14 | ANTONY, besieging Decimus(7) Brutus in Mutina, learns that consul Pansa approaches with 4 legions, leaves the siege, ambushes and defeats Pansa at Forum Gallorum 20km southeast of Mutina. Pansa is mortally wounded, but escapes. While Antony returns in careless disorder, he is routed by consul Hirtius. | 44 Dur 3-201 43 CAH 9-483, 10-12, DGRBM 2-497, 3-112, DGRG 1-908, OCD 776, atl1, wikAg, wikDJB, wikGVP |
43 Apr 21 | ANTONY, besieging D.(7) Brutus in MUTINA, gets his camp penetrated by Octavian and consul Hirtius. D.(7) Brutus, with starving troops, attacks Antony, who is defeated and retreats northwest with bro Lucius. | 43 B76 II-327, 1-1000, 15-1106, CAH 9-483, 10-15, DGRBM 1-215, MCAW 258, OCD 184, atl1, bk, wikAg, wikDJB, wikGVP |
43 Apr 21 |
Consul Aulus HIRTIUS is killed in battle at Mutina. Octavian takes command of his army. | 43 B76 V-61, CAH 9-483, 10-15, DGRG 2-378, OCD 184, 520, wikMA |
43 Apr 21 |
Son of C.(2), C.(4) CASSIUS LONGINUS Varus is killed at Mutina. | 43 DGRBM 2-799 |
43 Apr 21 |
Tyrannicide serving under D.(7) Brutus, Pontius AQUILA is killed in battle at Mutina. | 43 OCD 90 |
43 Apr 21 |
Enemy of Antony, D. Carfulenus (Carsuleius) is killed in battle at Mutina. | 43 DGRBM 1-613 |
43 Apr 21 |
M. Tullius CICERO delivers his 14th and last Philippic speech to the senate against Antony. | 44 B76 4-608 |
43 | After Mutina, M.(3) Junius SILANUS returns back thru Gaul to Spain. | 43 DGRBM 3-820 |
43 | ANTONY with bro Lucius retreats northwest to Vada Sabata on the Ligurian coast, intending to go to Transalpine Gaul; but his troops balk. He is joined by P. Ventidius BASSUS with 3 legions, 2 raised in colonies of Caesar, and 1 raised in Picenum. | 43 CAH 10-15, DGRBM 3-1238, DGRG 2-645, 1252, OCD 1113 |
43 Apr 23 | Consul C. Vibius PANSA dies of wounds received Apr 21 at Bononia. His physician Glycon is suspected of poisoning him and imprisoned by quaestor T.(7) Manlius Torquatus. Octavian, who takes over his army, is suspected of sponsoring it. | 43 CAH 9-483, DGRBM 2-278, OCD 776, atl1, wikAg, wikGVP, wikMA |
43 Apr 27 |
On proposal of P.(2) Servilius Vatia, C. CASSIUS' imperium is legalized. | 43 CAH 9-483 |
43 Apr 27 |
Sextus Pompeius, , holding up with army and fleet at Massilia from 44, is made naval commander until Aug. by senate. | 43 CAH 9-483, OCD 858 |
43 Ap/Ma | M. Tullius CICERO says of Octavian, "The young man should be given praise, distinction, and then be disposed of." Octavian learns of it in May. | 44 B76 4-608 |
43 | ANTONY continues to march towards Lepidus, and reaches Forum Julii (Iria, Voghera) in west Cisalpine Gaul. | 43 atl1 |
43 May | M.(5) ANTONY, bro Lucius, & P. Ventidius BASSUS cross Alps into Narbonensis. | 43 CAH 10-15, DGRBM 1-215 |
43 May | Senate declares ANTONY a hostis (public enemy), confirms M.(7) Brutus and C. Cassius in their provinces, grants Decimus(7) Brutus a triumph, and transfers Octavian's troops to D.(7) Brutus. | 44 DGRBM 1-215, 43 CAH 10-15, GHH, OCD 212, wikGCL |
43 May | OCTAVIAN refuses senatorial order to surrender Pansa's troops to Decimus(7) Brutus. The rest of Octavian's troops outright refuse to serve under D.(7) Brutus. | 43 CAH 10-16, wikAg |
43 May | Decimus(7) BRUTUS pursues Antony into Narbonensis. Octavian declines to help. | 44 CAH 10-16, OCD 597 |
43 May 29 | M.(10) Aemilius LEPIDUS with 7 legions in Spain from Mar 44, learns of Mutina, joins Antony in Narbonensis submits a pius resignation to the senate. | 43 CAH 10-16, DGRBM 1-215, 717, 767, OCD 597 |
43 Jun 30 |
M.(10) Aemilius LEPIDUS is declared a public enemy by the senate, which orders his statue destroyed. | 43 DGRBM 2-766, 767, atl1 |
43 | Λ PATAVIUM in Venetia sides with senate against Antony. | 43 DGRG 2-556 |
43 | C. Volusenus QUADRATUS is pleb tribune. He supports Antony. | 43 DGRBM 3-632 |
43 | M. Vipsanius AGRIPPA, best friend of Octavian, becomes pleb tribune, and is assigned to prosecute C. Cassius Longinus, now in Syria, for murder of Caesar. | 43 B76 1-367, DGRBM 1-78 |
43 | Gn. Domitius CALVINUS becomes supporter of Octavian. | 43 wikGnDA |
43 | Tyrannicide L. Minucius BASILUS is murdered by his own slaves for cruel treatment. Crassus and Q. Hortensius Hortalus are named his heirs, but his will is alleged to have been forged. | 55 atl1 43 DGRBM 1-470 |
43 | Lex Curiata de Imperio (or Adoptione) Confirms adoption of C. Octavius (Octavian) by Julius Caesar. | 43 unrv |
43 | L.(5) Julius CAESAR proposes repeal of Agrarian law of Antony. Senate repeals it. | 43 DGRBM 1-538 no date: wikL5JC |
c.43 | SEXTUS POMPEY is appointed commander of naval forces by senate. | 43 atl1 |
43 | M. Terentius VARRO Reatinus publishes On the Latin Language . | 43 OCD 1108 |
43 | L. VARIUS RUFUS writes poem De Morte probably about murder of Julius Caesar. | 43 atl1 |
43 | P. TITIUS is pleb tribune. He deprives colleague P. Servilius Casca of tribunate, because Casca had fled from Rome, fearing vengeance of Octavian. | 43 DGRBM 3-1159 |
43 Jul | A band of centurions under CORNELIUS is sent by Octavian to Rome to demand that Octavian be appointed Consul to replace Hirtius and Pansa, and that the decree declaring Antony a public enemy be rescinded. Senate refuses, and offers a praetorship. Octavian becomes praetor. | 43 CAH 10-16, CDCC 111, DGRBM 1-856, atl1, wikAg, wikMA |
43 Jul? | Praetor M. Aquilius CRASSUS sent by senate to Picenum to levy troops to resist Octavian. | 43 DGRBM 1-872 |
43 Jul | OCTAVIAN with 8 legions marches on Rome to ensure consulship. Senate tries to negotiate, offers to pay 10,000 sesterces to the 4th and Martian legions (an offer that Octavian hides from his troops). Senate then tries and fails to organize resistance under the praetors. | 43 CAH 9-485, LEWH 110, atl1, wikAg, wikMA |
43 Jul | Tribune P. Servilius CASCA, tyrannicide, flees from Rome. Later joins M. Brutus in Macedonia. | 43 OCD 210 |
43 Aug | OCTAVIAN with 8 legions camps outside Rome. 3 legions in Rome defect to Octavian. Commander of one of them, praetor M. Cornutus suicides. Senate offers 10,000 sesterces to all Octavian's men, and consulship to him. Cicero voices a rumor that the 4th and Martian legions had mutinied. Finally the senators streamed miserably out to greet Octavian. Cicero is one of the last, as Octavian observes. | 43 CAH 9-485, DGRBM 1-858 |
43 Aug 19 | OCTAVIAN, age 19, and uncle Q. PEDIUS elected consuls for 42 by senate coerced by Octavian. Declarations that Antony and P.(2) Cornelius Dolabella were hostes are repealed. | 43 CAH 9-486, 10-17, DGRBM 2-767, LEWH 110, OCD 793, atl1, bk, wikAg, wikMA |
43 Aug | Octavian gets senate to pass Lex Pedia de Interfectoribus Caesaris by consuls Q. Pedius and Octavian, banishes (and calls for death of) Caesar's assassins, outlaws Sextus Pompeius at Massilia and M. Favonius. Troops all get their 10,000 sesterces on account, and plebs receive Caesar's legacies in full. | 43 B76 VIII-107, DGRBM 1-513, 2-139, 3-489, OCD 793, 858, atl1, unrv, wikMA |
43 Aug | Republican Gn.(6) Domitius AHENOBARBUS (now in Macedonia) condemned by Lex Pedia, though there is no other evidence that he was among the assassins. | 43 DGRBM 1-85, wikGnDA |
43 Aug? | L. CORNIFICIUS, friend of Octavian, prosecutes M. Brutus in absentia. | 43 OCD 292 no date: DGRBM 1-858 |
43 Ag/Sp | ATIA Balba Caesonia dies. Dau of M. Atius Balbus & Julia sis of Caesar, widow of C. Octavius d.58, wife of L. M. Philippus from 58, mother of Octavian & Octavia. | 43 DGRBM 1-405, OCD 143, atl1 |
43 | Ti.(4) Claudius NERO marries LIVIA Drusilla, dau of Livius Drusus Claudianus, until 38. | 43 CDCC 524, wikTCN |
43 | Antonine general Q. Terentius CULLEO joins Lentullus. | 43 DGRBM 1-900 |
43 | P. VATINIUS proconsul of Illyricum from 46, returns to Rome. | 43 DGRBM 3-1235, OCD 1110, atl1 |
c.43 | New temples of Λ ISIS and SERAPIS are built by the triumvirs. Their worship is officially sanctioned. | 43 DGRBM 2-631, atl1 |
43 fall | Consul OCTAVIAN leaves consul Q. Pedius in charge of Rome, leads 11 legions north to negotiate with Antony & M.(10) Lepidus against Decimus(7) Brutus and Plancus. | 43 CAH 9-486, 10-17, wikMA |
43 | ANTONY is compelled to recross the Apennines, intending to seize Pollentia. But Decimus Brutus, occupies Pollentia with 5 cohorts. | 43 DGRG 2-645 |
43 | DECIMUS(7) BRUTUS dies. Pursued by Antony in Cisalpine Gaul. His troops desert. He is killed by a Gaul chief, at request of Antony. | 43 atl1, wikRGG |
43 Oct? | ANTONY, invited to conference by Octavian, leaves L. Varius Cotyla in charge of his legions in Gaul, and crosses Alps into Italy. | 43 DGRBM 1-869 |
43 Oc/Nv | Consul OCTAVIAN, ANTONY, & LEPIDUS meet at Bononia. After elaborate precautions against treachery, they meet on an island in the Lavinus River in full view of troops. Meeting lasts 2 days. | 43 DGRBM 2-767, LEWH 110, wik2Tr, wikAg, wikMA |
Empire 43BCE map: ColdEel |
43 Oc/ Nv | 2nd TRIUMVIRATE: Octavian, Antony, Lepidus formed on an island near Bononia in Cisalpine Gaul. They agree to wipe out all opposition and take 5 year terms in provinces. It expires 38, but lasts until 33. Antony to get Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaul. Lepidus to get Narbonensis and Spain. Octavian to get Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Africa. They leave C.(1) Asinius Pollio to assign land to veterans, and leave for Rome. This arrangement lasts until Nov 42. | 43 B76 VI-158, 2-369, 4-608, CAH 9-486, 10-1, 19, DGRBM 1-215, Dur 3-110, 201, MCAW 258, OCD 149, SHWC 120, atl1, bk, wik2Tr, wikAg |
43 Nov | Consul OCTAVIAN resigns consulship. P. Ventidius BASSUS is appointed in his place. | 43 CAH 10-20, DGRBM 3-1238, OCD 1113, atl1 |
43 Nov | At insistence of troops, OCTAVIAN marries a relative of Antony - CLAUDIA Pulchra, dau of P. Clodius, stepdau of Antony until 41. | 43 CAH 9-486, 10-20, OCD 1113, wikMA |
43 Nov 27 | Lex Titia by tribune P. Titius, confirms 2nd Triumvirate; gives Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus full powers for 5 years to defeat assassins of Julius Caesar, make or annul laws without consulting senate or people, exercise jurisdiction without right of appeal, and nominate magistrates of their choice. It legalizes 2nd triumvirate and massive proscriptions against political opponents. Renewed 37. | 43 CAH 10-1, 20, 67, 345, DGRBM 3-1159, EDRL 560, HRE 8, OCD 149, atl1, unrv, wik2Tr, wikAJC, wikJC, wikLpd, wikLRL, wikMA, wikTAR |
43 Nov | L.(1) Munatius PLANCUS agrees to proscription of his own bro L.(2) PLautius PLANCUS, who, to save his slaves, who were being tortured to death because they would not betray him, voluntarily surrenders to his executioners. | 43 DGRBM 3-383-4 |
43 Nov 28 | PROSCRIPTION begins until January The triumvirs list 130 people for arrest. Reign of terror ensues, large bounties, prompt payment. Old aristocrats are hit hardest: 300 senators, 2,000 equites murdered. | 43 CAH 9-486, 10-21, DGRBM 1-215, GHH, bk |
43 Nv/Dc | L.(4) CASSIUS Longinus, bro of Caius(5), enemy of Antony, proscribed, flees to Asia province. | 43 DGRBM 2-802, OCD 212 |
43 Nv/Dc | P. TITIUS dies. Pleb tribune who deprived Casca of tribunate, is killed. | 43 atl1 |
People proscribed by triumvirs in Nov/Dec 43 include: M.(1) Tullius CICERO, proscribed by Antony, deserted by friends, flees to his villa in Formiae. |
43 LEWH 110, atl1 |
L.(5) Julius CAESAR, uncle of Antony, allowed to escape. | 43 atl1 |
C. VERRES, criminal exiled from 70, murdered by order of Antony, who wants his art works. | 43 B76 X-405, DGRBM 3-1243 |
M.(6) MESSALA CORVINUS, who escapes to camp of Brutus and Cassius. | 43 B76 VI-821, atl1 |
C. COPONIUS, but his wife gets him pardoned by having sex with Antony. | 43 DGRBM 1-850 |
T. VINIUS, but his wife hides him in a chest at the house of his freedman Philopoemen, and say he is dead. She later gets him pardoned by Octavian. | 43 DGRBM 3-1262 |
M. VOLUSIUS escapes disguised as a priest of Isis. | 43 DGRBM 3-1282, atl1 |
M. APPULEIUS flees to Brutus in Macedonia. | 43 DGRBM 1-248 |
C. TORANIUS proscribed at request of his son, who wants his property. | 43 DGRBM 3-1105 |
URBINUS PANOPION is saved by a slave who exchanges clothing with his master, who splits out the back door as soldiers enter the front. The slave sits on the bed of Panopion, and allows himself to be killed as if he were Panopion. | 43 DGRBM 3-112 |
Q. APONIUS, a commander of troops which rebelled in Spain 46. | 43 DGRBM 1-247 |
L.(1) Aemilius LEPIDUS PAULLUS, bro of triumvir M.(10), but M.(10) lets him escape. | 43 atl1, wikL1ALP |
Praetor L. VILLIUS ANNALIS, betrayed by his son, executed. His son is killed soon after in a drunken brawl by the same soldiers. | 43 DGRBM 1-180 |
L. PHILISCUS, executed. | 43 DGRBM 3-335 |
Praetor MINUCIUS RUFUS, executed. | 43 DGRBM 3-675, atl1 |
SEPTIMIUS betrayed by his wife to assassins. | 43 DGRBM 3-784 |
Q. SALASSUS sees his wife leading assassins to him, jumps head first from his roof. | 43 DGRBM 3-693 |
STATIUS the Samnite executed. | 43 DGRBM 3-901 |
Q. Lucretius VESPILLO concealed by wife Turia in his house at Rome, till his friends get him pardoned. | 43 DGRBM 3-1249, atl1 |
CAESTIUS RUFUS, beheaded because he owns a house that Antony's wife Fulvia wants. | 43 DGRBM 3-672 |
SITTIUS of Cales Campania, but at the request of his townsmen is allowed to live in exile at his native place. | 43 DGRBM 3-844 |
Pleb tribune SALVIUS, executed late in 43 while entertaining friends at a banquet. | 43 DGRBM 3-701, atl1 |
M. Terentius VARRO Reatinus, the historian, former Pompeyan, proscribed by Antony, loses much of property including his library (@620 books), but escapes. | 43 GHH, OCD 1107, atl1, wikMTV |
L. Octavius BALBUS, proscribed by triumvirs, flees from his house, tricked by false report that his son was killed, returns home, executed. | 42 DGRBM 1-458 |
Q.(1) Tullius CICERO, bro of M., and his son Q.(2), delivered by their own slaves for the bounty, executed. | 43 DGRBM 1-747, OCD 239 |
People proscribed by triumvirs in Nov/Dec 43 who flee to Sextus Pompeius in Sicily: Lucius TITIUS and son Marcus Marcus raises a private fleet, ravages coast of Italy until ?. |
43 OCD 1079 |
LENTULUS CRUSCELLIO Wife Sulpicia follows him. | 43 DGRBM 2-733, 3-944 |
C. SENTIUS SATURNINUS Vetulio | 43 DGRBM 3-725 |
ANTIUS RESTIO preserved by the fidelity of a slave. | 43 DGRBM 3-646, atl1 |
VETULINUS raises an army in south Italy, resists troops sent against him, tries to cross over to Messana, killed. | 43 DGRBM 3-1251 |
M. OPPIUS and his father. The father is feeble, but his son carries him and reaches Sicily. | 43 DGRBM 3-39 |
ARRUNTIUS executed. Son Lucius escapes, but dies at sea. Another ARRUNTIUS escapes to in Sicily until amnesty of 39. | 43 DGRBM 1-353, OCD 123 |
C. FANNIUS flees in Dec. | 43 DGRBM 2-136 |
43 Dec 7 | M.(1) Tullius CICERO dies. Age 63, leaves his villa in Formiae in a litter for the west coast where he hopes to sail to Macedonia. Antony's agents, centurion Herennius and tribune Popilius arrive. Cicero's slaves say they had not seen him, but he is betrayed by Philologus, a freed slave of his bro Quintus. Cicero is captured. Last words: "There is nothing proper about what you are doing, soldier, but do try to kill me properly." Herennius kills him, then cuts off his head. On Antony's instructions his hands, which had penned the Philippics, are also cut off. His head and hands will be nailed on the Rostra in the Forum Romanum. Cicero is the only victim of proscription so debased. | 43 B76 4-608, CAH 9-487, CDCC 199, DGRBM 1-215, DGRG 1-905, Dur 3-202, GHH, MCAW 258, SHWC 143, atl1, bk, wikCc, wikMA |
43 Dec | SEXTUS POMPEIUS uses fleet at Massilia to rescue proscribed fugitives from Italy to Sicily. | 44 OCD 858, wikSR |
43 Dec | Antony's wife FULVIA takes Cicero's head, pulls out his tongue, and jabs it repeatedly with her hairpin. | 43 atl1, wikCc |
43 Dec | Consul Q. PEDIUS, son of Julia sis of Caesar, dies of exhaustion trying to manage the panic caused by proscription. | 43 OCD 793, wik2Tr |
43 Dec | Antony's man P. Ventidius BASSUS is made consul to replace Pedius. | 43 DGRBM 3-1238 |
43 Dec 29 |
L.(1) Munatius PLANCUS has a triumph for a victory in Gaul. | 43 DGRBM 3-383, atl1 |
43 Dec 31 |
M.(10) Aemilius LEPIDUS is given a triumph for no particular reason. | 43 DGRBM 2-768 |
43/2 | Triumvirs sieze much money deposited by proscribed people with the Vestal Virgins. | 43/2 CAH 10-91-2 |
43/2 | L.(1) Cornelius BALBUS is praetor. | 43 or 42 wikL1Bl |
42 Jan 1 | CONSULS: M.(10) AEMILIUS LEPIDUS (2nd) and L.(1) Munatius PLANCUS, both Antony's men | 42 B76 VI-158, DGRBM 2-768, 3-382-3, OCD 597, 838, FHBC 84 |
42 Jan 1 | Senate declares Julius Caesar a god "Divus Julius". Triumvirs swear to uphold his acts, and administer an oath of allegiance to magistrates and senate. Citizens are compelled to celebrate his birthday. | 42 CAH 10-5, 22, 839, CDCC 113, OCD 149, sjsu, wikAg, wikJC, wikMA |
42 Jan | Proscription officially ends. All surviving senators are allowed to keep their positions if they sware allegiance to the Triumvirate. | 42 wikMA |
42 | A temple is erected to "Divus Julius" by order of senate. They add "Divi Filius" (Son of god) to his name to strengthen his political ties to Caesar's former soldiers by following the deification of Caesar. Antony is made first flamen divi Julii until death. | 42 CAH 10-788, 839, IDB 1-479, wikAg |
42 | Triumvirs now control 43 legions: probably 40 in the East. | 42 CAH 10-05 |
42 | Λ CENSORS V patrician P. SULPICIUS QUIRINIUS RUFUS and pleb C.(1) ANTONIUS HYBRIDA. They do not complete the Λ lustrum. | 42 DGRBM 3-638, OCD 77, atl1, wikCns |
42 | Q. Salvieienus RUFUS is sent with a fleet by Octavian to guard the coast against Sextus Pompeius. He does so successfully. | 42 DGRBM 3-490 |
42 spring | ANTONY & OCTAVIAN command 28 legions to fight republicans in Greece, under M. Brutus and C. Cassius. They send 8 legions ahead under L. Decidius Saxa & C. Norbanus Flaccus. | 42 CAH 10-5, 22, DGRBM 3-730, wikLCW |
c.42 | PONS CESTIUS, a stone bridge from the Tiber island (see 62) to the west bank, built by an unknown member of the Cestii. Photo taken 1880 before reconstruction. |
photo: {{PD-US}} 62-27 wikPC |
42 | Triumvirs introduce new taxes. TRIBUTUM (property tax), abolished from 147, revived. | 42 atl1 |
42 | Ti.(4) Claudius NERO is praetor. | 42 DGRBM 2-1162, wikTCN |
42 | HORTENSIA, dau of Q. Hortensius Hortalus d.50, speaks against the imposition of a special tax on wealthy Roman matrons with such success that part of it is remitted. | 42 wikQHr |
42 | COMET appears during games in Caesar's honor, and is taken as confirmation of his divinity. | 42 wikJC |
42 Jul 12 |
Triumvirs promote cult of Julius Caesar, including elaborate celebrations of his birthday. | 42 atl1 |
42 mid | ANTONY & OCTAVIAN leave 3 legions under Lepidus to hold Italy, depart with the remaining 17 from Brundisium to Dyrrhachium. | 42 CAH 10-22, GHH, atl1, wikAg, wikMA, wikTAR |
42 mid | Antonines CALENUS and POLLIO are left in Italy with large armies - Pollio in Cisalpine Gaul. | 42 CAH 10-5 |
c.42 | CISALPINE GAUL, province from 89, annexed to Italy. | 42 CAH 10-349, DGRG 2-76, OCD 243 |
c.42 | SALLUST (C. Sallustius Crispus) publishes Catiline's War about events of 63. | 42 B76 16-185, MCAW 259 |
c.42 | SALLUST (C. Sallustius Crispus) publishes The Jugurthan War . | 42 MCAW 259 |
c.42 | VIRGIL (P. Vergilius Maro), in Cisalpine Gaul, finishes Ecologues #2, 3, 5 . | 42 OCD 1123 |
c.42 | VIRGIL (P. Vergilius Maro), in Cisalpine Gaul, starts to write Ecologues . | 42 atl1, wikVrg |
42 Jul 31 | P. VATINIUS has triumph for victories over Illyria. | 42 CAH 10-549, atl1 |
42 | Liberators' civil war: 2nd Triumvirate against republicans in Greece, under M. Brutus and C. Cassius. Octavian and Antony lead some 30 legions to northern Greece in pursuit of Caesar's assassins M.(7) Junius Brutus and C. Cassius Longinus. | 42 GHH, wikTAR |
42 | Temple of SATURN at the foot of the Capitoline Hill in the west end of the Forum from 497, rebuilt by Munatius Plancus. It lasts until 283CE. Contains a wooden statue of Saturn veiled and holding a scythe. The legs are covered with bands of wool which are removed only on Dec. 17, the Saturnalia. Nothing survives. Current ruins are from a reconstruction in 3rd cent. CE. Gradual collapse has left nothing but the remains of the front portico standing. | 42 CAH 10-787, HRE 142, ISBE 4-233, wikTS |
42 | Sextus Pompeius defeats fleet of Octavian's admiral Salvidienus Rufus near promontory of Scyllaeum. Octavian can't control the straits. | 42 Ac31 7, atl1 |
42 Oct 3 | Octavian partisan Gn. Domitius CALVINUS with reinforcements tries to sail out of Brundisium and is defeated by republican Gn.(6) Domitius AHENOBARBUS with 50-70 ships on the day of the first battle of Philippi. | 44 wikGnDA, 42 wikLCW |
42 Oct | PHILIPPI Oct 3 Oct 23 |
42 Oct 23 | Liberators' civil war ends at Philippi: M.(7) Junius Brutus siucides. | 42 Oct 23 wikTAR |
Italy 42-30