c.2000 | INDO-EUROPEANS enter Anatolia from Asia between Black Sea & Caspian Sea. They speak Hittite languages. | pre-2000 PAE 79, 81 2000 WNHI 24 1800 SHWC 23 by 1800 MCAW 20 |
c.2000 | INDO-EUROPEANS, now thruout Europe & Anatolia, having uniform culture from 3000, begin having CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Illyrian, Dacian, Thracian, Armenian, Phrygian, Mysian, Greek. | 2000 B76 2-614 |
c.2000 | Evidence of destruction and burning in 300 sites. | 2000 PAE 78 |
c.2000 | KURA-ARAXES Culture, from Anatolia to Persia from 3400, ends. | 2000 wikPI |
c.2000 | Λ BRONZE making begins at Λ TROY using ores from central Europe. | 2000 B76 11-1061 |
c.2000 | MIDDLE BRONZE AGE in Anatolia from 2500 ends. LATE BRONZE AGE begins until 1400. |
2000 wikPA |
c.2000 | Treasure found at the earliest levels of Troy is not likely to be later than 2000. | 2000 B76 11-1101 |
c.2000 | HEATING V: At Troy, hearths are put in the center of the main room of houses. | 2000 tand |
c.2000 | ALACA HOYUK, deserted from 2100, level 3 occupied by the Hatti until 1200. Rectangular stone tombs covered with wooden beams, cattle heads and legs probably of sacrificed animals on their roofs. | 2000 tat |
c.2000 | Crude LENSES appear in Anatolia and Crete. | 2000 B76 18-97 |
c.1950 | ANATOLIA, under the HATTI from ?, invaded by HITTITES from either Europe or east of the Black Sea. HORSES V and Λ CHARIOTS introduced. THEOLOGY V: Hittites have the same 4 primary gods V (Indara, Uruvna, Mitira, the Nasatiya) as the Aryans who later invade India. |
pre-2000 TAWH 55 2000 CWH, WNHI 24, 27, TAWH 16 1950 HCIP 1-210 1900 LEWH 17, bk 1800 SHWC 23 1400 CMoG3 121, HCIP 1-224 |
c.1950 | ASSYRIAN trading colonies in Cappadocia from 2950, terminated by the Hittites. | 1950 HCIP 1-210 |
c.1950 | ASSYRIAN trading colonies founded, one at KANES (later called Kultepe). | 1950 PW 14, Sag1 68 soon after 2000 PAE 79 |
c.1950 | ASSYRIAN trading colony in the Hittite capital. Their business letters show caravans of pack-asses regularly crossing the Aramean steppes and Taurus Mountains. | 2000 SHT 1-706 |
c.1900 | Λ TROY, unimportant villages from 2050, TROY-4 destroyed by unknown causes, TROY-5 rises until 1800. Roomier houses with corner seats and clay benches. Horse skeletons suggest Indo-Europeans from north. | 1900 MCAW 20, lvA, rcT |
c.1900 | EQUIDS drawing CHARIOTS with SPOKED WHEELS V, represented in Egypt, Asia, and northeast Persia from 2000, now appear at Kultepe in Cappadocia. | 1900 wikChr 1950-1850 SHT 1-721 |
c.1900 | HITTITES, in Anatolia from 1950, convene around HATTUSA. | 1900 TAWH 54 |
c.1900 | LANGUAGE V: Oldest attested form of Indo-European language exists in Cappadocia. | 1900 HCIP 1-210 |
c.1880 | Standard Akkadian words for Λ HORSE and CHARIOT appear in central Anatolian business correspondence. | 1900-1860 PAE 110 |
c.1845 | HURMELI ends. King of Kanes from ?. HARPATIWA succeeds to 1831. | 1845 hinf |
c.1833 | ![]() |
photo Klaus-Peter Simon 1710-05 wikHt 1835 hifi 1833 wikHt 1831 hinf |
c.1800 | TROY-5 from 1900, destroyed by quake. TROY-6 begins until 1300. Has large citadel and shows signs of wealth. During this period horses are introduced. Area is terraced, making room for large stone houses on terraces. | 1800 rcT 1700 lvA |
c.1800 | Solid WHEEL vehicles, in Asia, Europe, Crete, Syria, and Egypt from 2000, appear in central Anatolia. (See China 1300) | 1800 SHT 1-211 |
c.1790 | KUSSARA, under the Hatti from ?, taken by Hittites. | 1800-1780 hifi |
c.1750 | ANITTA, a Hittite prince, conquers many cities including Hattusa and Kanes, attacks Zalpa, recovers the city god of Kanes, captures Huzziya, king of Zalpa. Anitta now controls entire valley of Kizil Irmak river to its mouth on Black Sea. | 1750 MCAW 24, hifi |
c.1750 | HITTITES are now militarily dominant in Anatolia, but soon lose Zalpa. | 1750 mxfld, hifi |
c.1750 | BEYCESULTAN, a Luvian city on Meander River, destroyed, possibly by Hittites. | 1750 mxfld 1700 wikBcs |
c.1750 | IRON V melted and forged in east Anatolia. | 2000 wikIA 2000-1500 PW 120 2000-1700 SHT 1-598 1300 B76 11-1061 |
c.1745 | PITHANA, king of Kussara from 17??, ends. ANITTA succeeds until 1720. | 1745 wikHt |
c.1740 | TUDHALIYA-I ascends as king of Hittites at Kussara until 1710. | 1750 CWH 1740 RAI2, WPOT, frN, hifi 1600 vrb |
OLD HITTITE DYNASTY begins. Capital at Kussara until 1650. Lasts until 1500. |
c.1720 | ANITTA, a Hittite prince from 1745, ends. ZUZZU succeeds until 1710. | 1720 wikHt |
c.1710 | ZUZZU, a Hittite prince from 1720, ends. | 1710 wikHt |
c.1710 | TUDHALIYA-I ends. 1st king of Old Hittite dynasty at Kussara from 1740. Son PU-SARRUMA succeeds until 1680. | 1710 MCAW 24, RAI2 192, RAI3, frN, hifi |
c.1700 | CUNEIFORM V WRITING V is adopted thruout the Mid East for international communication. Some use the Babylonian Λ LANGUAGE V, some adopt cuneiform signs to their own language. Hittites do both. (See Mesopotamia 1700, Levant 1700) Signs can have 3 functions: syllabograms, Akkadograms, or Sumerograms. Syllabograms are characters that represent a syllable. Akkadograms and Sumerograms are ideograms from earlier Akkadian or Sumerian orthography, but not intended to be pronounced as in the original language. Sumerograms are mostly ideograms and determiners. |
17th cen. wikHC 1700 MCAW 25 |
c.1700 | Beycesultan palace, abandoned from ??, destroyed. | 1700 wikBcs |
c.1700 | HATTUSA burned to the ground by King Anitta of Kussar. | 1700 wikPA |
c.1700 | HITTITE Λ CUNEIFORM V appears. Directly adapted from Old Assyrian cuneiform. 375 cuneiform signs exist in known Hittite documents (11 of them only appearing in Hurrian and Hattic glosses), compared to some 600 signs in use in Old Assyrian. | 17th cen. wikHC |
c.1680 | PU-SARRUMA ends. 2nd king of Old Hittite dynasty at Kussara from 1710. Son LABARNA-I succeeds to 1651. | 1680 MCAW 24, RAI2 192, WPOT, frN, hifi, hinf |
c.1670 | ZALPA, city on Black Sea, conquered by LABARNA-I. Under Hittites until ?. | 1670 hifi |
c.1651 | LABARNA-I ends. 3rd king of Old Hittite dynasty at Kussara from 1680. Son HATTUSILI-I succeeds 1650-20. | 1651 RAI2, WPOT 204 1650 B76 IV-949, Bryce, MCAW 27, RAI2 192, RAI3, WPOT, anan, frN, hifi, hinf, hiwo, jrank, stma 1586 wikHK |
c.1650 | HATTUSILI-I, king of Hittites 1650-20, begins expanding territory southward, attacks Sanawitta but fails to capture, destroys ZALBAR. | 1650 MCAW 26, TAWH 55 yr 1 hinf |
by 1650 | The HATTI are completely absorbed by Hittites. | by 1650 wikPA |
c.1650 | KIZZUWATNA, kingdom of southeast Anatolia from ?, comes under Hittites until 1540. | no date: hinf |
![]() Hattusa ruins with part of wall reconstructed GNU FDL |
c.1650 | HATTUSILI-I, 4th king of Old Hittite dynasty at Kussara 1650-21, rebuilds HATTUSA (under Hittites from 1750), with 30 foot high wall 4 miles circumference. | 1700 bk 1650 MCAW 26, TAWH 16 by 1600 SHWC 23 |
c.1650 | HITTITE CAPITAL: at KUSSARA from 1740, moved to HATTUSA until 1390. Hattusa was founded 2500. Kussara has never been located. | 1650 PW 14, WPOT 199 |
c.1650 | PLUMBING: Hattusa has CLAY PIPES with easily detachable and replaceable segments for easier cleaning. | no date: Copilot |
c. 1650 |
17-1600 wikBAS |
c.1648 | HATTUSILI-I, king of Hittites 1650-20, invades Aram. | yr 2 hinf |
c.1648 | ALALAKH, ruled by Ammitaqu, who was vassal to Hammurapi of Halap, attacked & destroyed by HATTUSILI-I, king of Hittites 1650-20. | yr 2 hinf |
c.1648 | HATTUSILI-I, king of Hittites 1650-20, besieges URSU (Warsuwa) and captures it, attacks IKAKALI, then TASHINIYA. | yr 2 hinf |
c.1647 | HATTUSILI-I, king of Hittites 1650-20, attacks ARZAWA, but doesn't take any cities. | yr 3 hinf no date: hifi |
c.1647 | HURRIANS, in north Aram from 1725, 1st recorded invasion of Anatolia, capture everything up to Hattusa. HATTUSILI-I counterattacks, and drives them back out of Anatolia. | yr 3 hinf 1635 WPOT 223 |
c.1646 | HATTUSILI-I, king of Hittites 1650-20, attacks Sanahut north of Hattusa, destroys it, defeats chariots of Abbaya, marches against the leader of an anti-Hittite coalition, Parmanna, which opens its gates him. Then he destroys Alahha (location unknown). | yr 4 hinf |
c.1645 | HATTUSILI-I, king of Hittites 1650-20, attacks Hurrians. Destroys Zaruna, fights a Hurrian army from ISHUWA (Hassu), defeats the combined armies of Yamhad (later called Halap) and Hassu in the Adalur Mountains (in the Amanus range). He then crosses the Euphrates (first Hittite king to do so) and destroys ISHUWA (Hassu), destroys Tawanaga, cuts off its king's head, then destroys Zippasna. He then fights three battles with Hahhu before taking it, then returns to Hattusa. | yr 5 hinf 1630s hifi |
c.1635 | At some point, ARZAWA and WILUSA are subjugated by HATTUSILI-I. ARZAWA under Hittites until 1540. | no date: hinf |
c.1630 | WILUSA, under Hattusili-I from 1635, breaks free, but remains on friendly terms with Hittites. | no date: hinf |
c.1625 | HATTUSILI-I, king of Hittites 1650-20, holds assembly of nobles, adopts grandson MURSILI as heir in place of unsuitable nephew. | 1625 MCAW 27 no date: hinf |
c.1620 | HATTUSILI-I dies. 4th king of Old Hittite dynasty from 1650. Grandson & adopted son MURSILI-I succeeds 1620-1590. | 1621 RAI2 1620 B76 IV-949, VII-117, Bryce, MCAW 27, RAI3, WPOT 204, anan, frN, hifi, hinf, hiwo, jrank, stma 1560 Sag 1556 wikHK 1540 Sdl 1-96 |
c.1600 | MURSILI-I, king of Hittites 1620-1590, invades Aram , takes YAMHAD (later called Halap). | 1620-00 MCAW 26 1600 SOTS 89 no date: Sag 74 |
c.1600 | HURRIANS, in north Aram from 1725, settle also in coastal plain of Kizzuwatna. | 1600 Wiki, hifi |
c.1595 | MURSILI-I, king of Hittites 1620-1590, invades Aram, encounters and fights Hurrians, destroys Halap & Alalakh, continues down Euphrates. | 1600 SOTS 89 1595 B76 17-935, Sag1 74, hifi |
c.1595 | MURSILI-I, king of Hittites 1620-1590, takes BABYLON and burns it. | 1650 bk 1595 Sag1 74, hifi, hinf 1590 Brit 1531 vrb, wikHK |
c.1595 | MURSILI-I, king of Hittites 1620-1590, returning from Babylon with loot, attacked by Hurrians. | 1595 hinf |
c.1590 | MURSILI-I murdered. 5th king of Old Hittite dynasty from 1620, murdered in Hattusa by bro-in-law Hantili. HANTILI-I succeeds until 1560. Insurrections and loss of territory follow. | 1590 B76 VII-117, Bryce, MCAW 28, RAI2 208, RAI3, WPOT, anan, frN, hifi, hinf, hiwo, jrank, stma 1570 IDB Sup-412 1530 LEWH 49 1526 wikHK 1510 Sdl 1-96 no date: Sag 76 |
c.1561 | PISENI, legitimate heir of Hantili-I, murdered along with his children by ZIDANTA. | no date: hinf |
c.1560 | HANTILI-I murdered. 6th king of Old Hittite dynasty from 1590. Son-in-law ZIDANTA-I succeeds to 1550. | 1560 Bryce, RAI2, RAI3, Sag, WPOT, anan, frN, hifi, hinf, hiwo, jrank 1540 IDB Sup-412 1496 wikHK |
c.1550 | ZIDANTA-I murdered. 7th king of Old Hittite dynasty from 1560, murdered by son Ammuna. AMMUNA succeeds to 1530. | 1550 RAI2, RAI3, anan, frN, hifi, hinf, hiwo, jrank, stma 1486 wikHK |
c.1540 | ARZAWA, under Hittites from 1635, goes independent until 1444. | during reign of Amuna: hinf |
c.1540 | PALA, under Hittites from ?, goes independent until ?. | during reign of Amuna: hinf |
c.1540 | KIZZUWATNA, under Hittites from 1650, goes independent until 1470. | during reign of Amuna: hinf |
c.1530 | AMMUNA dies. 8th king of Old Hittite dynasty from 1550, dies. Son HUZZIA succeeds to 1525. | 1530 anan, frN, hifi, hinf, hiwo, jrank, stma 1466 wikHK no date: Bryce, LEWH 49, RAI2, RAI3 |
c.1527 | SCAMANDROS becomes king of the TEUCRI of Dardania north of Troy until 1503. | 1527 hifi |
c.1525 | HUZZIA, king of Hittites 1530-25, tries to have sis ISTAPARIYA and her husband TELEPINU, killed. | 1525 MCAW 28, RAI2, RAI3, anan, hinf, hiwo, jrank, stma 1461 wikHK |
c.1525 | HUZZIA deposed. 9th king of Old Hittite dynasty from 1530, deposed by bro-in-law Telepinu, and exiled with his 5 bros. TELEPINU succeeds to 1500. | 1525 B76 IX-872, MCAW 28, RAI2, RAI3, WPOT, anan, 4nel, frN, hifi, hinf, hiwo, jrank, stma 1461 wikHK |
c.1510 | Treaty made between TELEPINU and PARIYAWATRI, king of Kizzuwatna. | 1525 MCAW 28 no date: hifi, hinf |
c.1510 | Λ CUNEIFORM V writing is used by Hittites. Hittite Λ LANGUAGE V is earliest documented Indo-European language. (See Mycenean 1500, Ugaritic 1500, China 1500) | 1500 TAWH 16, mxfld |
c.1503 | SCAMANDROS ends. King of the TEUCRI of Dardania from 1527. TEUCER succeeds until 1481. | 1503 hifi |
c.1500 | HITTITE kingdom partly destroyed and occupied by Mitannians. | 1500 vrb |
c.1500 | TELEPINU dies. 10th king of Old Hittite dynasty from 1525. Son-in-law ALLUWAMNA succeeds until 1490. | 1510 anan, 4nel 1500 B76 IX-872, Bryce, MCAW 32, RAI2, WPOT 205, frN, hifi, hinf, hiwo, jrank, stma |
OLD HITTITE DYNASTY ends.V Began 1740. |
c.1500 | Λ IRON V SMELTING improved by Hittites and Mitannians. | 1500 TTT 1300 mxfld |
c.1500 | TROY-6, destroyed from 1800, rebuilt as Troy level 7 until 1230. This contradicts most data. | 1500 BCoC 255 |
c.1490 | ALLUWAMNA ends. King of Hittites from 1500. 5 unimportant kings in uncertain order follow. | 1500 anan 1490 frN no date: RAI2, RAI3, hifi, hinf, hiwo, jrank, stma |
Tahurwaili, Hantili-II, Zidanta-II, Huzziya-II, Mutawalli-I |
c.1490 | Hantili-II becomes king of Hittites until 1480. | 1490 frN |
c.1490 | Treaty made between Hittites and PADDATISU, king of Kizzuwatna. | 1490 hifi |
c.1481 | TEUCER, king of the TEUCRI of Dardania from 1503, ends. DARDANUS succeeds until 1450. | 1481 hifi |
c.1480 | Mycenaean pottery reaches Ionia, including Miletus and Troy, also Cyprus, Lebanon, Palestine, and Egypt. | early 15th cen. wikMG |
c.1480 | Hantili-II, king of Hittites from 1490, ends. Zidanta-II succeeds until 1470. | 1480 frN |
c.1478 | Treaty made between ZIDANTA-II king of Hittites and PILLIYA, king of Kizzuwatna. | 1480-75 hifi |
c.1471 | Treaty : THUTMOSE-III, pharaoh 1504-1436 & unnamed Hittite king. Hittites pay tribute in exchange for frontier adjustments. Aram is now dominated by Thutmose-III until his death. | 1471 B76 1-818, CAH 2.1-671 |
c.1470 | Treaty made between IDRIMI king of Alalakh and PILLIYA, king of Kizzuwatna. | 1470 hifi |
c.1470 | KIZZUWATNA, independent kingdom from 1540, under king Pillaya from ?, conquered by PARTATARNA, king of Mitanni 1480-55. Becomes vassal of Mitanni until 1390. | 1470 hifi no date: hinf |
c.1470 | Zidanta-II ends. king of Hittites from 1480, ends. Huzziya-II succeeds until 1460. | 1470 frN |
c.1460 | Huzziya-II ends. King of Hittites from 1470. | 1460 frN |
c.1460 | HITTITES enter a weak and poorly documented phase until 1450. | 1460 wikPA |
c.1450 | DARDANUS, king of the TEUCRI of Dardania from 1481, ends. Son ILUS succeeds until 1375. | 1450 hifi |
c.1450 | AHIYAWANS on Aegean coast of Anatolia are mentioned in Hittite texts, but remain unimportant. Their main base or capital is Millawanda. | 1450 hifi |
c.1450 | MYCENEANS enter Anatolia until 1100. | 1450 wikPA |
c.1450 | MYCENEANS settle in Miletos. | 1450 wikMG |
c.1450 | NERIK, Hittite holy city now in ruins, taken over by Kashkans. | no date: hifi |
c. 1450 | MUWATALLI murdered. King of Hittites from ?, murdered by conspirators under Kantuzzili. Muwa, chief of bodyguard, flees to Hurrians for help. Kantuzzili joins forces with a man named Tudhaliya. Conspirators defeat forces of Muwa and Hurrians. Tudhaliya emerges on top. | 1450 hifi 1282 B76 VII-117 no date: hinf |
c. 1450 | Λ 2nd HITTITE DYNASTY begins until 1190 at Hattusa. | 1467 Tudhaliya-I: RAI2 1460 MCAW 32, Sag, WPOT 1450 LEWH 49, RAI3, WPOT 205, hiwo, vrb 1430 Morb, stma 1420 hifi, hinf 1400 Bryce, Sdl 1-96 1390 jrank |
TUDHALIYA-II ascends. 1st king until 1420. |
The land we call Syria is abbreviated from Assyria because the name stuck after Assyria fell in 612. It is arbitrarily called Aram here because the Torah calls it Aram even before the Arameans arrived.
c.1449 | HALAP Aram, ally of Hurrians from ?, defects to Tudhaliya-II, but soon forced back under Hurrians. | at Tud-2's ascension: hinf |
c.1444 | ARZAWA, independent kingdom in west Anatolia from 1540, conquered by Tudhaliya-II. Under Hittites until 1410. | no date: hinf |
c.1444 | While Tudhaliya-II is in the west, the KASHKANS invade Hatti. | no date: hinf |
c.1443 | TUDHALIYA-II, king of Hittites, attacks KASHKA lands. | 1430 hifi no date: hinf |
c.1442 | ISHUWA (Hassu), in east Anatolia north of Mitanni, attacked by Tudhaliya-II, but not conquered. It then sides with Mitanni. | 1430 hifi no date: hinf |
c.1430 | TUDHALIYA-II conducts third campaign against Kashkans, apparently unsuccessfully. | 1430 hifi |
c.1430 | KIZZUWATNA, under Mitanni from 1470, conquered by Tudhaliya-II. Under Hittites until ?. | 1430 hifi no date: hinf Parts of hifi say he doesn't conquer. |
c.1430 | ALASHIYA (CYPRUS) conquered by Attarsiya, king of Ahiyawa. Cypriot ruler Madduwatta flees to Hittite king Tudhaliya-II for help. | 1430 hifi no date: hinf |
c.1430 | MADDUWATTA, with Hittite help, drives the Ahiyawans out of Alyshiya (Cyprus), which comes under Hittites until 1380. | no date: hifi, hinf |
c.1430 | MADDUWATTA is made a Hittite vassal in the land of Mt. Zippashla in west Anatolia. | no date: hifi, hinf |
c.1428 | WASSUKANNI, city in Mitanni, conquered by Tudhaliya-II. Annexed to Kizzuwatna until ?. | 1370 bk no date: hinf |
c.1425 | TUDHALIYA-II, king of Hittites, makes son, ARNUWANDA co-regent. | no date: hinf |
c.1420 | TUDHALIYA-II ends. 1st king of 2nd Hittite Dyn from 1450. Son-in-law ARNUWANDA-I succeeds to 1400. | 1440 MCAW 35, Sag 1420 RAI3, hifi, hiwo 1400 hinf 1385 Sag 1370 jrank |
c. 1418 | KASHKANS take several lands from Arnuwanda-I: Nerik, Hurshama, Kashtama, Sherisha, Himuwa, Taggashta, Kammama, Zalpuwa, Kapiruha, Hurna, Dankushna, Tapashawa, Tarukka, Ilaluha, Zihhana, Shipidduwa, Washhaya, and Patalliya. | no date: hinf |
c.1410 | ARZAWA, under Hittites from 1444, goes independent until 1317. | no date: hinf |
c.1410 | ALASHIYA (CYPRUS), under Hittites from 1390, attacked by Attarisiya of Ahiyawa. | no date: hinf |
c.1408 | ALASHIYA, under Hittites and Attarisiya of Ahiyawa, taken by Madduwatta, a Hittite vassal in west Anatolia. Arnuwanda-I demands it back. Outcome unknown. | no date: hinf |
c.1405 | SIDE, on coast of Tarhuntasa, founded. Remains under barbarians until ?. | 1405 OCD 986 |
c.1400 | Λ LANGUAGE V: Linguistic evidence proves Indo-Aryan speech forms older than the oldest known Avestan or Sanskrit exist in Cappadocia and Syria. | 1400 HCIP 1-209 |
c.1400 | BRONZE AGE in Anatolia from 3000, ends. LATE BRONZE AGE from 2000 ends. |
1400 SHT 1-595, TTPC 1200 wikPA |
c.1400 | Λ IRON V AGE begins in Anatolia. Iron is produced only in small quantities and only in the Armenian mountains. (See Indus Valley 1300, Crete 1200, Levant 1200) |
1400 HCIP 1-209, bk 1300 wikPA 1200 B76 11-1061 |
c.1400 | STEELING of WROUGHT Λ IRON V achieved by Chalybes, a sub-tribe of Hittites: Hittite kings gain monopoly on it until 1200. | 1400 SHT 1-595, mxfld |
c.1400 | Hittite records mention military activities of an Ahiyawan warlord, Attarsiya, a possible Hittite way of writing the Greek name Atreus, who attacked Hittite vassals in western Anatolia. | 1400 wikMG |
c.1400 | Λ SPOKED WHEELS (6 spokes) appear in Hittite and Aramean chariots. (See Greece 1500, Egypt 1300, China 1300) |
2000-1951 TTS 1400 SHT 1-213 |
c.1400 | Invasions occur on all borders of Hittite Empire. ARNUWANDA-I ends. 2nd king of 2nd Hittite Dyn from 1420. Son TUDHALIYA-III succeeds to 1375. |
1420 Sag 1410 RAI3, hiwo 1400 MCAW 36, hifi 1386 Morb 1385 hinf 1360 stma 1355 jrank |
c.1400 | Treaty between Hittites and Mitanni lists 5 Vedic Λ gods: Indra, Varuna, Mitira, the 2 Ashvins. | 1400 CMoG3 121, bk |
c.1390 | KASHKANS lose their grain to locusts, join Hayasa-Azzi, Ishuwa, and other Hittite enemies, and invade Hittite land. | 1375 hifi |
c.1390 | Hittite fort MASHAT burnt by Kashkans. | 1375 hifi no date: hinf |
c.1390 | City of SAMUHA, under Hittites from ?, taken by Kashkans. | 1375 hifi |
c.1390 | Λ HATTUSA, capital of Hittites from 1650, burnt by Kashkans. Tudhaliya-III moves capital northeast to SAMUHA until 1312. | 1375 hifi no date: hinf |
c.1385 | TUDHALIYA-III, king of Hittites 1400-1375, and son SUPPILULIUMA campaign against unknown forces at Mt. Nanni. | no date: hinf |
c.1380 | TUDHALIYA-III, king of Hittites, is sick. | no date: hinf |
c.1380 | SUPPILULIUMA, son of Tud-III campaigns against Hayasans and Kashkans. Hayasans refuse battle. 12 tribes of Kaskans unite under Piyapili. Suppiluliuma defeats Kashkans. | 1370 hifi no date: hinf |
c.1380 | ARZAWA now controls all of western Anatolia and southern Anatolia as far east as the border of Kizzuwatna. | no date: hinf |
c.1379 | Kashkans plunder town of Washhaniya. | no date: hinf |
c.1378 | TUDHALIYA-III, king of Hittites 1400-1375, fights Kashkans. | no date: hinf |
c.1378 | SUPPILULIUMA, son of Tud-III, campaigns against Arzawans who had encroached on western Hittite territory. Suppiluliuma defeats Arzawans, but they are not pushed back far. | no date: hinf |
c.1375 | ILUS, king of the TEUCRI of Dardania from 1450, dies childless. TROS succeeds until 1315. | 1375 hifi |
c.1375 | TUDHALIYA-III dies. King of 2nd Hittite Dyn from 1400. Son SUPPILULIUMA-I succeeds to 1322. | 1385 Sag 1381 Morb 1380 Brit, MCAW, Sdl 1-96, SHWC 23, WPOT, anan, bk, hinf, hiwo 1375 vrb 1370 hifi 1344 jrank, stma, wikPA, wikHK |
c.1374 | TELEPINU, son of Suppiluliuma, appointed Priest of Kizzuwatna. | soon after Sup's ascension: hinf |
c.1374 | SUPPILULIUMA-I, king of Hittites 1375-22, invades Aram, attacks Halap (under Mitanni) unsuccessfully. | soon after ascension: RAI3 257 |
c.1374 | ALALAKH city state conquered by Suppiluliuma-I. Dynasty deposed. Comes under direct Hittite rule until ?. | no date: hifi |
c.1370 | SUPPILULIUMA-I, king of Hittites 1375-22, supports ARTATAMA, king of Hurrians, against his bro TUSHRATTA, king of Mitanni. The campaign is unsuccessful. | no date: Sag 81 |
c.1370 | SUPPILULIUMA-I, king of Hittites 1375-22, invades ARAM (now owned by Mitanni & Egypt). Conquers from Mediterranean to Euphrates as far south as Lebanon. Makes Hittite vassal states of AMURRU and EMAR. Byblos & Kadesh remain loyal to Egypt. | 1370 IDB 4-533, MCAW 36 1365 B76 17-935 |
c.1370 c.1370 |
photo: pub dom 1650-1100 wikHL |
c.1370 | SUPPILULIUMA-I, king of Hittites 1375-22, conquers western MITANNI, some of it only until 1352. | no date: hinf |
c.1370 | WASSUKANNI, city in Mitanni, plundered by Suppiluliuma-I. | 1370 bk no date: hinf |
c.1370 | SUPPILULIUMA-I, king of Hittites 1375-22, crosses Euphrates near Malatya into Mitanni. Plunders Washukkanni, capital of Mitanni, turns west, recrosses Euphrates near Carchemish, subdues Nuhashshe region south of Carchemish. | 1370 IDB 4-533 no date: RAI3 258 |
c.1368 | ERICHTHONIUS, king of Dardania from ?, dies. | 1368 wik |
c.1361 | ARAMEAN CITIES (Halap, Alalakh, Qatna, Kadesh) now under or oppressed by Suppiluliuma-I, are instigated to rebel by Tushratta of Mitanni 1380-50. | no date: B76 17-936 |
c.1350 | Λ IRON V: 1st certain use in quantity begins in Anatolia. | 1400-1300 LEWH 15 |
c.1350 | ![]() |
photo: Bernard Gagnon 1400-1300 wohiSG, wikAlH |
c.1350 | 1st Mycenaean settlements founded on west coast while Hittites and Luwians of Arzawa still govern the territory. | 1300s hifi |
c.1350 | TARHUNTASSA (either a region in south-central Anatolia or a city in it), formerly under Arzawa, comes under control of Suppiluliuma-I. Under Hittites until 1240. | 1350 hifi |
c.1350 | ISHUWA (Hassu) conquered by Suppiluliuma-I, under Hittites until ?. | 1350 hifi |
c.1340 | CARCHEMISH, after 8 day siege, submits to Suppiluliuma-I. Comes under Hittites until 1260. | 1340 B76 1-818, IDB 4-533, ISBE 1-616, MCAW 38 |
c.1340 | Suppiluliuma-I puts his son, PIYASHILI in charge of the territory of ASHTATA which Piyashili rules from Carchemish until ?. | 1340 B76 1-818, ISBE 1-616 no date: hifi |
c.1340 | SUPPILULIUMA-I, king of Hittites 1375-22, 2nd campaign into ARAM. Crushes Aramean rebellion. | 1360 B76 17-936 1340 IDB 4-533 |
c.1340 | BYBLOS, ally of Egypt from ?, defects to Suppiluliuma-I. | no date: B76 17-936 |
c.1340 | DAMASCUS, under Egypt from ?, taken by Suppiluliuma-I, under Hittites until ?. All Aram is now under Hittites until ?. | no date: B76 17-936 |
c.1325 | ANKES-NAMUN, widow of Tutankhamun, sends 2 letters to Suppiluliuma-I, asking him to send a son to be her husband and pharaoh. Suppiluliuma complies, but his son is killed by Horemheb. | 1339 MCAW 38 |
c.1322 | SUPPILULIUMA-I dies of plague. Son of Tudhaliyas-III, king of 2nd Hittite Dyn from 1375. Son ARNUWANDA-II succeeds to 1321. | 1355 SHWC 23 1346 Brit, LEWH 49, Sdl 1-96, SOTS 90, TAWH 56, WPOT 205 1340 IDB 1-272, anan, hiwo 1336 B76 17-936, RAI3, hifi 1335 RAI2, Sag, vrb 1322 jrank, stma, wikPA, wikHK 1320 hinf |
c.1321 | ARNUWANDA-II ends. Son of Suppiluliuma-I, king of 2nd Hittite Dyn from 1322, is incapacitated by plague. MURSILI-II succeeds to 1295. | 1345 anan 1339 hiwo 1344 LEWH 50, RAI3 1335 CWH, RAI2, Sag, WPOT 11 1334 B76 VII-117, 1-819 1333 hifi 1321 Bryce, jrank, stma, wikH, wikHK 1318 hinf |
c.1320 | Kashkans attack city of Turmitta. | yr 1 hinf |
c.1320 | MANAPA-TARHUNTA king of Arzawa, escapes a plot by his brothers to kill him by fleeing to Karkissa (later Caria). Hittite kings Mursili-II and his incapacitated bro Arnuwanda both write to Karkissa, asking them to keep Manapa-Tarhunta safe. | 1336-33 hifi |
c.1320 | MURSILI-II retaliates against Kashkans by looting, and burning two Kashkan cities - Halila and Duddushka in the area of Turmitta. Kashkans gather their allies, retaliate, and are defeated. | 1326 hifi
yr 1 hinf |
c.1319 | MURSILI-II, king of Hittites 1321-1295, attacks vassal state Tipiya, because it had stopped providing required troop levies, burns its most important city Kathaidwa. Mursili returns to Hattusa, then goes and re-subjugates Ishupitta, plunders and burns Palhwissa, pacifies the Kashkans temporarily, goes to Ankuwa for the winter. | 1326 hifi yr 2 hinf |
c.1319 | Kashkan kings Pazzannas and Nunnutas flee to Uhha-ziti, king of Arzawa. | 1326 hifi |
c.1318 | MURSILI-II, king of Hittites 1321-1295, occupied in the north against Kashkans, sends messengers to Uhha-ziti, king of Arzawa demanding extradition of his enemies. | yr 3 hinf |
c.1318 | Uhha-ziti, king of Arzawa refuses Mursili's extradition demands. Mursili sends army which attacks and plunders Uhha-ziti's ally, the king of Millawanda. Uhha-ziti attacks the city of Impaya, which is under Mursili's bro-in-law, Mashwiluwa. Uhha-ziti then attacks the city of Hapanuwa. | yr 3 hinf |
c.1318 | Mursili pacifies the Kashkans and then marches west. | yr 3 hinf |
c.1318 | Mursili-II, king of Hittites 1321-1295 arrives in Arzawa. Either lightning or a meteor strikes the city of Apasa in which Uhha-ziti resides. Both sides regard this as a divine omen. Uhha-ziti sends his son Piyama-Kurunta to fight Mursili, who defeats him and takes Apasa. Uhha-ziti sails into the Aegean. His son does likewise. Mursili defeats all enemies in western Anatolia except the Seha River land and the city of Puranda, which he besieges. Mursili then backs to the Ashtarpa River and winters. | yr 3 hinf 1325 hifi |
c.1318 | Kashkan kings Pazzannas and Nunnutas, in Arzawa from 1319, flee back to Kashkan lands, lead a new rebellion. | 1326 hifi |
c.1318 | Mursili attacks AHIYAWA. | 1325 hifi |
c.1317 | Sometime in winter, Uhha-ziti dies of illness. Mursili captures Puranda, then marches to the Seha River land. Manapa-Tarhunta, king of the Seha River land, surrenders, and gets Mursili to accept him as vassal. Mursili then moves on to Mira, where he installs his bro-in-law Mashwiluwa as ruler of Mira-and-Kuwaliya until 1309, Targashnalli to rule the land of Hapalla, Alakshandu to rule Wilusa. | yr 4 hinf |
c.1317 | ARZAWA, independent kingdom from 1410, broken up by Mursili into several states: Wilusa, Seha River Land, Mira, and Hapalla. | yr 4 hinf |
c. 1316 | MURSILI-II, king of Hittites 1321-1295, marches against Kashkan territory of Mt. Asharpaya, then conquers provinces of Pala and Tummanna. Mursili then moves east to the land of Samuha, where he stays in the city of Ziulila, then moves against the Arawannans, who had been oppressing the land of Kassiya. He then returns victorious to Hattusa. | yr 5 hinf |
c.1315 | MURSILI-II, king of Hittites 1321-1295, raids and burns Kashkan lands of Mt. Tarikarimu in the land of Zihariya, then returns to Hattusa. | yr 6 hinf |
c.1315 | Hittite interests in western Anatolia are again threatened by an anti-Hittite rebellion headed by Arzawa, a Hittite vassal state, supported by the king of Ahhiyawa. | 1315 wikMG |
c.1315 | Ahhiyawa seizes various islands, presumably in the Aegean. | 1315 wikMG |
c.1315 | TROS ends. King of the TEUCRI of Dardania from 1375, ends. Son ILOS succeeds in Troy until ? Son ASSARACHUS succeeds in Dardania until ?. | 1315 hifi |
c.1315 | TETTE, king of Nuhassi in Aram, encouraged by pharaoh Horemheb, and aided by EN-urta of Barga, rebells against Mursili. AITAKKAMA, king of Kadesh, also opposes Mursili. |
1330 MCAW 38 no date: hinf |
c.1314 | Hittite general Kantuzzili sent by Mursili to attack Nuhassi. | yr 7 hinf |
c.1314 | MURSILI-II, king of Hittites 1321-1295, marches north, attacks Pihhuniya, Kashkan king of the land of Tipiya, retaking all lost territory, including the city of Istitina, where he resides to supervise reconstruction of forts. | yr 7 hinf 1326 hifi |
c.1314 | Mursili sends a letter to Anniya, king of Azzi and Hayasa demanding extradition of some Hittite civilians who had fled there a decade previously. Anniya refuses, and attacks the land of Dankuwa on the Hittite border, capturing its population. | yr 7 hinf 1326 hifi |
c.1313 | MURSILI-II, king of Hittites 1321-1295, attacks Ura, a strongly fortified border town belonging to Anniya, king of Azzi. | yr 8 hinf 1326 hifi |
c. 1313 | Hutu-piyanza, Hittite governor of Pala, is at war with the city of Wachumana. Mursili responds by sending general Nuwanza to Hutu-piyanza's assistance. Hutu-piyanza and Nuwanza conquer, and burn Washumana. Mursili puts Nuwanza in charge of northern operations, and sets out for Kummanni in Kizzuwatna. |
yr 8 hinf |
c.1313 | The Azzians use this opportunity to attack pro-Hittite cities Istitina and Kannuwara. Istitina falls and is destroyed. Kannuwara holds out, and is besieged by Anniya, king of Azzi. | yr 8 hinf 1324 hifi |
c.1312 | NUWANZA, Hittite general, attacks Anniya, king of Azzi, who is besieging Kannuwara. Hittites defeat them. | Mursili yr 9 hinf |
c.1312 | States of AZZI and HAYASA formally submit to Hittites. They are never again mentioned as unified states. | 1321 hifi |
c.1312 | SHARRI-KUSHU, bro of Mursili-II and his viceroy of Carchemish, joins Mursili in Kumanni, gets sick and dies there. MURSILI sends general Kurunta to attack rebels at Nuhassi. | Mursili yr 9 hinf |
c.1312 | CARCHEMISH, under Hittites 1340-1260, attacked by Assyrians. | Mursili yr 9 hinf |
c.1312 | Hittite capital, at SAMUHA from 1390, moved back to HATTUSA until 1280. | guess |
c.1312 | KURUNTA, Mursili's general, ravages Nuhassi, then besieges Aitakkama in Kadesh. | Mursili yr 9 hinf |
c.1312 | AITAKKAMA murdered. King of Kadesh from ?, murdered by his son Ari-Tessup. ARI-TESSUP succeeds until ?, and submits to Hittites. | Mursili yr 9 hinf |
c.1312 | NUWANZA, Mursili's general, defeats Anniya, king of Azzi, relieves siege of Kannuwara. | Mursili yr 9 hinf |
c.1312 | MURSILI-II, king of Hittites 1321-1295, goes from Kummanni to Astata where he builds fortifications. Ari-Tessup of Kadesh arrives and is accepted as a Hittite vassal. Mursili goes to Carchemish. | yr 9 hinf |
c.1312 | SAHURUNUWA, son of Sharri-Kushuh, appointed viceroy of Carchemish by Mursili until ?. | Mursili yr 9 hinf |
c.1312 | TALMI-SHARRUMA appointed king of Halap by Mursili until ?. | Mursili yr 9 hinf |
c.1312 | MURSILI-II, king of Hittites 1321-1295, goes from Carchemish to the city of Tegarama, then to Haran, then surprise attacks Yahressa and burns it. | yr 9 hinf |
c.1312 | MURSILI-II then attacks the Kashkans in the land of Piggainaressa, which he burns. He returns to Hattusa, then winters in Hakpis. | yr 9 hinf |
c.1311 | MURSILI-II, king of Hittites 1321-1295, resumes campaign against Anniya, king of Azzi. Azzians retreat to their various strongholds. Mursili attacks only Aripsa and Duskamma. Aripsa falls. Duskamma surrenders. Mursili returns to Hattusa. | yr 10 hinf |
c.1310 | MURSILI-II, returns to Azzi and organizes it. | yr 11 hinf |
c.1309 | MASHWILUWA, vassal king of Mira-and-Kuwaliya from 1317, rebels, convincing the Hittite city of Pitassa to join him. Mursili marches to Shallapa and sends for Mashwiluwa to negotiate. Mashwiluwa flees to the land of Masha. Mursili destroys part of Masha. The Mashaeans seize Mashwiluwa and send him to Mursili, who forgives him enough to make him a priest. Mashwiluwa 's nephew KUPANTA-KURUNTA is installed as king of Mira-and-Kuwaliya by Mursili. | yr 12 hinf |
c.1306 | HANIGALBAT, the residue of Mitanni from 1340, appears to have been taken by the Hittites during Mursili's reign. | no date: hinf |
c.1302 | HANIGALBAT appears to have been taken back from the Hittites by the Assyrians during Mursili's reign. | no date: hinf |
Anatolia 1300-1001