These are book sources. Website source links are in the left column of the individual pages.
AARI | ARCHAEOLOGY and the RELIGION of ISRAEL, W. F. Albright, |
ANET | ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN TEXTS 3rd ed., James Pritchard, Princeton 1974 |
AYGC | YAHWEH and the GODS of CANAAN, W. F. Albright, 1968 |
B76 | ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, 15th edition, 1976 |
BAR | Biblical Archaeological Research |
BBP | The BOOKS and the PARCHMENTS, F. F. Bruce, Fleming Revel, 1984 |
BCAW | CHRONOLOGY of the ANCIENT WORLD, E. J. Bickerman, Cornell University Press, 1974 |
BCoC | The CONQUEST of CIVILIZATION, James Henry Breasted, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1926 |
BHM | HISTORY of MATHEMATICS 2nd Ed., Carl B. Boyer, John Wiley & Sons, 1991 |
BHoE | The HISTORY of EGYPT, James Henry Breasted, Scribners, New York, 1937 Entries with no page number are from the king lists at the back of the book. |
Bill | William C. Williams, my former Hebrew studies teacher |
BNTH | NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY, F. F. Bruce, New York, 1980 |
Brit | ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA Deluxe Edition (on CD-ROM), Chicago, 2010 |
Burt | HISTORY of MATHEMATICS 4th Ed., David M. Burton, mcGraw-Hill, 1999 |
CAH | CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY, It has several volumes plus parts to volumes. CAH 1.2-3 means volume 1, part 2, page 3. I used different editions at different times, so the page numbers may be incorrect. Entries with no page number are from the chronological tables at the backs of the books. |
CHAC | CAMBRIDGE HISTORY of ANCIENT CHINA, Michael Lowe & Edward Shaughnessy, Cambridge, 1999 |
CHB | CAMBRIDGE HISTORY of the BIBLE, L. Greensslade, Cambridge, 1963 |
CHJ | CAMBRIDGE HISTORY of JUDAISM, 4 vols, Davies & Finkelstein, Cambridge, 1984 Entries with no page number are from the chronological tables at the back of the books. |
Clay | CHRONICLE of the PHARAOHS, Peter Clayton, London, 1994 |
CMoG | MASKS of GOD, 4 vols. Joseph Campbel 1 = Primitive, 2 = Oriental, 3 = Occidental |
CSHB | A SHORT HISTORY of BUDDHISM, Edward Conze, Guernsey Press, 1995 |
CVK | The COMPLETE VALLEY of the KINGS, page 9 Nicholas Reeves & Richard Wilkinson, London, 1996 |
DBANE | The BIBLE AND the ANCIENT NEAR EAST, Roland DeVaux, Doubleday, New York, 1971 |
DGRBM | DICTIONARY of GREEK and ROMAN BIOGRAPHY and MYTHOLOGY, 3 vols., William Smith, London 1880 |
DGRG | DICTIONARY of GREEK and ROMAN GEOGRAPHY, 2 vols., William Smith, London, 1878 |
DHJ | HISTORY of the JEWS, Vol 1 of 5, Simon Dubnov, New York, 1967 |
DMoN | MONARCHS of the NILE, Aidan Dodson, New York, 2000 Entries with no page number are from the king lists on pages 204-212. |
DOTT | DOCUMENTS from OLD TESTAMENT TIMES, D. Winton Thomas, New York, 1961 |
Dur | THE STORY of CIVILIZATION, 12 vols., Will Durant, New York, 1954 |
EIHM | INTRODUCTION to the HISTORY of MATHEMATICS, Howard Eves, Philadelphia, 1990 |
ENBD | NEW BIBLE DICTIONARY, W. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1962 |
FHBC | HANDBOOK of BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY, Jack Finegan, Massachusetts, 1998 |
FLAP | LIGHT from the ANCIENT PAST, Jack Finegan, Princeton, 1946 Entries with no page number are from the contents pages xiii-xvi. |
GEoP | EGYPT of the PHARAOHS, Alan Gardiner, Oxford, 1964 Entries with no page number are from the king lists at the back of the book. |
GHAE | A HISTORY of ANCIENT EGYPT, Nicolas Grimal, Cambridge, 1994 Entries with no page number are from the timelines at the back of the book. |
GHH | GRIFFIN'S HISTORICAL HANDBOOKS, Ancient History, 4004BC to AD476., Isaiah M'Burney, London, 1856 Everything is chronological, so there is no need for page numbers. The same info is here: ENCYCLOPEDIA METROPOLITANA, CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, CHRONOLOGY AND HISTORY OF THE WORLD, ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL HISTORY, Richard Griffin and Company, London, 1857 |
GRG | RISE of the GREEKS, Michael Grant, New York, 1988 Entries with no page number are from the chronology tables at the back of the book. |
HCC | HISTORICAL and CHRONOLOGICAL CHARTS, John C. Whitcomb Jr. & James L. Boyer, Indianna, 1962 |
HCIP | HISTORY and CULTURE of the INDIAN PEOPLE, 11 vols., K. M. Munshi, Bombay, 1965 |
HDB | A DICTIONARY of the BIBLE DEALING WITH its LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, and CONTENTS, James Hastings, 5 vols, New York, 1901 |
ICMH | IMMERIAL CHINESE MILITARY HISTORY 8000BC-1912AD, Marvin C. Whiting, Writers Club Press, 2002 |
IDB | INTERPRETER'S DICTIONARY of the BIBLE, (4 vols) Abingdon, 1976 |
IDBS | INTERPRETER'S DICTIONARY of the BIBLE, (supplementary vol) |
JE | The JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, 12 vols, Isidore Singer, New York & London, 1907 |
JIAE | INTRODUCTION to ANCIENT EGYPT, T. G. H. James, London, 1986 |
Jud | ENCYCLOPEDIA JUDAICA, 4th printing, Jerusalem, 1978 |
KIH | INDIA A HISTORY, John Keay, New York, 2000 |
KTU | KEILALPHABETISCHEN TEXTE aus UGATITE: Stories From Ancient Canaan, 2nd ed., Michael D. Coogan & Mark S. Smith, Louisville, 1942 |
LEWH | ENCYCLOPEDIA of WORLD HISTORY, William L. Langer, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1972 |
LS | The SHIP, Bjorn Landstrom, New York, 1961 |
MA | The MYCENAEAN AGE: A STUDY of the MONUMENTS and CULTURE of PRE-HOMERIC GREECE, Chrestos Tsountas & Irving Manatt, New York, 1897 |
MCAW | CHRONOLOGY of the ANCIENT WORLD, H. E. L. Mellersh, New York, 1994 Page numbers are not necessary, because material is arranged by date. |
MNHK | The MYSTERIOUS NUMBERS of the HEBREW KINGS, Edwin R. Thiele, Zondervan, 1983 Entries with no page number are from the timelines at the front of the book. |
MOAR | MYTHOLOGY of ALL RACES, 12 vols., Louis Herbert Gray, 1916 |
Morb | DYNASTIES of the WORLD: A Chronological & Genealogical Handbook, John E. Morby, Oxford University Press, 1989 |
MQB | BABYLON, James G. MacQueen, London, 1964 Entries with no page number are from the timelines at the back of the book. |
MRDK | MONARCHS RULERS DYNASTIES and KINGDOMS of the WORLD, R. F. Tapsell, Thames and Hudson, London, 1984 |
Murn | PENGUIN GUIDE to ANCIENT EGYPT, William J. Murnane, Penguin, 1983 Entries with no page number are from the Appendix at the back of the book. |
MWΦ | WORLD of the PHOENICIANS, Sabatino Moscati, New York, 1968 |
NLEM | NEW LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA of MYTHOLOGY, Prometheus Press, Hong Kong, 1972 |
OCD | OXFORD CLASSICAL DICTIONARY, 2nd edition, Oxford, 1978 |
OCD3 | OXFORD CLASSICAL DICTIONARY, 3rd edition, Oxford, 1996 |
PAE | ANCIENT EUROPE, Stuart Piggot, Chicago, 1965 |
PANE | The ANCIENT NEAR EAST, two volumes, James Pritchard, Princeton University, 1958 |
PW | PAST WORLDS, The Times Atlas of Archaeology, Hammond, 1988 |
RAH | ANCIENT HISTORY, 2nd edition, Charles A. Robinson Jr., Macmillan, New York, 1967 Entries with no page number are from the Chronological Tables at the back of the book. |
RAI2 | ANCIENT IRAQ, 2nd edition, George Roux, World Publishing, New York, 1964 Entries with no page number are from the timelines at the back of the book. |
RAI3 | ANCIENT IRAQ, 3rd edition, George Roux, Penguin, 1992 Entries with no page number are from the timelines at the back of the book. |
SAAG | AN AKKADIAN GRAMMAR, John Shehan, Marquette Press, Wisconsin, 1975 Entries with no page number are from the timelines at the back of the book. |
Sag | the chronology chart at the back of either of the two below |
Sag1 | The GREATNESS THAT WAS BABYLON ed. #1, H. W. F. Saggs, Hawthorne Books, New York, 1962 |
Sag2 | The GREATNESS THAT WAS BABYLON, ed. #2, H. W. F. Saggs, London, 1988 |
Sdl | HISTORY of the OLD TESTAMENT, 5 vols, Claus Schedl, New York, 1973 |
Shaw | OXFORD HISTORY of ANCIENT EGYPT, Ian Shaw, Oxford, 2003 Entries with no page number are from the chronology pages at the back of the book. |
SHT | HISTORY of TECHNOLOGY, 5 vols, Charles J. Singer, London, 1958 |
SHWC | SHORT HISTORY of WESTERN CIVILIZATION, John B. Harrison, New York, 1971 |
SOTS | The OLD TESTAMENT SPEAKS, Samuel J. Schultz, New York, 1970 |
TAWH | Times ATLAS of WORLD HISTORY, Hammond, 1978 |
Tmsn | The BIBLE and ARCHAEOLOGY, J. A. Thompson, Michigan, 1975 |
TToH | TIME TABLES of HISTORY, Bernard Grun, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1979 Page numbers are not necessary because entries are arranged chronologically. |
TTPC | The PEOPLE'S CHRONOLOGY, James Trager, New York, 1979 Page numbers are not necessary because entries are arranged chronologically. |
TTS | The TIMETABLES of SCIENCE, Bryan Bunch & Alexander Hellmans, Simon & Schuster, 1988 Page numbers are not necessary because entries are arranged chronologically. |
TTT | The TIMETABLES of TECHNOLOGY, Bryan Bunch & Alexander Hellmans, Simon & Schuster, 1994 Page numbers are not necessary because entries are arranged chronologically. |
WBANE | The BIBLE AND the ANCIENT NEAR EAST, G. Ernst Wright, Doubleday, New York, 1961 |
WERE | WHEN EGYPT RULED the EAST, George Steindorff & Keith Seele, Chicago, 1957 Entries with no page number are from the outline on pages 274-5. |
WNHI | A NEW HISTORY of INDIA, 4th ed., Stanley Wolpert, New York, 1993 |
WPOT | PEOPLES of OLD TESTAMENT TIMES, D. J. Wiseman, Oxford, 1973 Entries with no page number are from the timelines at the back of the book. |